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i fell in love with a baddie who used girls, skipped class, failed classes, got detention, and just didn't care about anyone or anything. but i helped change him for the better and both of us couldn't be happier.

people always ask how i did it. how i changed ethan so easily. i simply tell them that all he needed was a little love, even if it was from a complete stranger. for someone to believed in him and show him that he's worth so much more than he thinks he is. although he didn't want any of it at the time and tried to push me away, i stayed and i pushed back harder. i showed him that i cared. i showed him that i wasn't going anywhere no matter what he said or did.

in reality, he was scared.

scared of letting down his walls and getting hurt like he did before. he didn't want to be left broken after he had just finished picking up the pieces. and he was ashamed of himself. ashamed of what he had become and what he had done in the past.

i desperately tried to convince him that he deserved to be happy. that i could help him drop his old friends and get some new ones. and i did, after he hesitantly agreed. before long, anyone and everyone started engaging in conversations with ethan, wanting to get to know him. the real him. and everyone liked what they saw. for ethan, it was a new beginning.

but i can't take all the credit. i honestly can't take any of the credit. it was all ethan's doing. he wanted to change and so he did. i mean, sure, i helped but that's all i did, help. i supported him and showered him in endless amounts of love, much like i continue to do to this day.

i found the good in him and he ended up changing for the better.

in conclusion, bad boys are good.

you just have to show them a little love first.

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