Back In Time

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Date: September 8th, 2088

I have just woke up and am about to take my pet narwhal, Shanaynay, for a walk through the town.

While on our walk, Shanaynay discovered a strange looking tree in the distance. Unlike all of the other trees in the year 2088, shiny and rainbow tinted, this one was different. This one seemed to look realistic, like the ones I've seen in my history book. As Shanaynay and I approached the odd looking tree, we noticed that there was a clear film around it. It was almost like a bubble trying to protect the tree. Shanaynay slowly swam up to the tree to investigate its origin.

"Get that narwhal away from the bubble!" A CIA officer sassed.

Shanaynay and I back away in confusion. "I'm sorry officer. We just wanted to see what this strange contraption wa..."

The officer stops me in my tracks, "Ma'am, no time for questions. Please step inside the bubble."

As I walk towards the bubble, I trip on Shanaynay's horn and hit my head as I slowly stumble towards the floor.

Date: September 9th, 2088

I wake up the next morning. I reach up to my head and feel a large lump on my forehead. I look around a see a strange man staring at me.

"Ma'am are you ok? We'll be arriving to our destination in about one hour."

"Where are we traveling to?" I stare at the man with a puzzling look.

"Ummm don't you remember?" He could tell I knew nothing of the subject so he began to explain. "You have been brought into this bubble time machine for research purposes for the government." I can tell he has lost his train of thought because he gives me a blank look. "Good luck. We're counting on you," he continues as the bubble jolts to a stop, "Well this is as far as I can go." He hands me a backpack and pushes me out of the bubble. Before I can ask what my purpose was or where I was, the strange man had already disappeared into the distance, to the point where I could barely make out the bubble contraption.

Date: ?

Day: 1

It's day one and I seem to be the only human here. As I make my way around, I can conclude that wherever I am, is devoted to water life. The water plants don't look so well because the air around me is very dried out. I don't think they will be making it much longer. Large coal swamps are everywhere and around me is nothing but land and the formation of that weird tree I saw where I live that looks realistic. They look as if they would never end as they reach towards the sky. Today I made friends with a young trilobite named Sharkisha.

Date: ?

Day: 10

Today I wake up with a slimy creature on my face. Me and Sharkisha got no sleep at all last night because everywhere, that I can see, is populated with these creatures that don't understand the meaning of sleep. I look around and notice that the landscape has changed. What used to be swamp area has started to turn into a dense forest in the making. All of the fish I was used to eating for meals have died off and been replaced with amphibians.

Date: ?

Day: 12

Instead of waking up with the weird creature on my face, I woke up to an even greater delight. Everything around me has shifted. The flat, dry land I used to call home is now forming in mountainous land. I think I'll name this mountain range after my first pet narwhal, Appalachian. I miss home.

Date: ?

Day: 50

I go out to explore my surroundings with Sharkisha at sunrise to get an early start. As I examine the world around me I can see the beginning of new life forms, like small reptiles. These reptiles will probably adapt and get larger and turn into dinosaurs, can't wait! (rolls eyes) The slimy creatures I mentioned earlier are probably relatives of the frogs that live in my time period today. I seem to be on one giant supercontinent. This continent should have a name. I'll name it Pangaea, after my grandmother.

Date: ?

Day: 107

I don't know how much longer I can make it out here. Almost, if not, all of the water is beginning to disappear. Food supplies is limited.

As I begin to fall asleep, I look towards Sharkisha. He looks so tasty. "NO! Lexi you can't do this! He's your only friend out here in this strange place!" I tell myself, but it's too late. I can hear his screams. I try to ignore the fact of what I'm doing because it's for my own good. I can feel the crunch as I bite into him, he continues to squirm until a few minutes later. The movement stops and I can feel a tear rush down my face. He was the closest thing I've ever had to a friend, besides Shanaynay. I continue to remind myself that out in the wilderness, it's every man for themselves.

Date: ?

Day: 108

I try to forget everything that had happened to me the previous day. I can't help but feel guilty for what I've done. I have never felt so lonely in my life. All of Sharkisha's kind have vanished. I had nothing better to do, so I made a funeral for each and every one of them. The funeral consisted of me and all of the other amphibians and reptiles on the planet (which also could be a possible food choice) I can't be a traitor, at least, not yet...

Date: ?

Day: 120

I have been to every place across this vast land I call Pangaea. This place, although it has become my home, is dead to me. Every animal here has either turned on me, stolen my food (aka them) back, or has taken over one of the multiple caves I've been using to sleep in. I've about had it up to here with wildlife!

Date: ?

Day: 135

I can't go on. I'm hungry, thirsty, and I think there's some animal living in my backpack. I'll begin to write my will for when I die.

To whomever finds this,

When I die I would like to give all of my possessions to my rainbow pet narwhal, Shanaynay. I can't trust any of the idiots I'm living with with any of the stuff I have. I wish I was able to share what I have discovered about this strange place. Shanaynay, take care. Don't waste all of my life's savings at Vegas again because I will frown upon you.


Date: ?

Day: 140

I begin to dig a hole for myself to die in, until I heard the strange sound of what I make out as a bubble, liddle liddle lee. I search around my surroundings and a smile of hope spreads across my face. I could recognize the sound from anywhere. It was the bubble I used about 100 days ago to get to this place. I begin to search the sky and the smile on my face soon fades. "It must have been the wind," I think to myself. All of the hope I once had to get back home have also vanished. "I'll be alone forever on this stupid planet!" I screamed as I kick one of the rocks by my foot. A tear rolls down my face because that unexpectedly hurt more than I thought it would. I decide I should rest, dying is going to take a lot out of me.

Date: ?

Day: 141

I open my eyes expecting to see what I'm used to, forests, amphibians, reptiles, and coal swamps. Instead I'm blinded with an unfamiliar light.

"You must have taken some fall, you've been out for days, even months," says a strange voice I've never heard before.

"What?" I can barely get the words out of my mouth. I finally have time to examine where I am. To my left, there is a large window with posters of human anatomy on it. To my right, I see multiple sharp needles and other medical devices. "This doesn't add up!'' I exclaim, "I was just in the Paleozoic era laying on my death bed!"

"Now, now," the strange voice says, "You obviously are quite confused." I nod. "Try to get some rest." I would deny such a request when I don't know where I am, but I was beat and didn't hesitate. My eyes slowly closed.

Date: ?

Day: 142

"She claims she's from the Paleozoic era about 300 million years ago. I researched her name and found that she is just an escapee from the local mental hospital. I'll make sure she arrives home safely." I feel arms pick me up and carry away.

"Was it all a dream?" I can't help but think. "How could something so real, be so fake?"

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