Chapter 7

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Lisa was just being a teacher, she never talked to me unless she needed to and i was odly okay with that. I was doing well with my stidies so well i was ahead of shedule in both classes. I was a bit nervous for my highers, i passed my pre-lims with flying colours apperently but thats just the tester not the real thing in my opinion.

I still dont know why i decided to go back to school, this time last year i knew i wasnt leaving so i wasnt gonna be getting a job so i didnt need them yet i still wanted to get my finals. Maybe it was because i never got them and most of the prison had them, im not sure but i do know im glad i did,

If i hadnt i wouldnt be in love and i wouldnt have a chance of getting out of here. The wider public know about my trial as it featured on the news afew times acording to my mum, threr was a picture of me heading in the school building and Layla's dad leaving the prison.

My case is going well, we have alot of evidence and Layla's dad is confident i could be set free but im keeping an open mind. My main fear is that no one will accept it if im free, especially the parents of the ones who were killed there wont be someone to blame so the case will have to be reopened and it will be hard for them.

The beatings from the warden have been less hard but more frequent all because of my trial, something i was also scared of. He's mainly drunk and crying and  is to weak to throw a punch but i sometimes get afew bruises but nothing as bad as before.

The guards are still throwing punches and there bad as they see the way the warden is and blame me, in a way its true as he did have someone to blame and now he doesnt so i get it. Nothing bad has happened since the stabbing which is good only a burst lip and im pleased.

I still have the 'i own this place' attitude in the prison which im taking as a good thing as if you look at some of the poeple here, if they were in charge it would really be hell.


I walked into the school and i was feeling nervous, todays test day. I had English today and History tomorrow. I tried to forget everything but the things i need for the exam.

I walked upto the board with my guard cuffed to me and we found my seating number and we walked into the gym hall. It was just as i remembered, big and smelly. There were desk in rows and they looked like to be hundreds of them but in reality there was only 205.

I was number 34 so i went to my seat and i was cuffed but i had longer chains so i could write easier. my guard left and there were other prisoners here but there were gaps between us.

Our papers were lying on our desks anda teacher came in who i didnt recognise "okay you may begin!" she said and i flipped my paper over.

I read over the text and answered the questions as fully and as detailed as i could and once i was done there was ten minutes left so i went over my answers and made sure everything made sense "times up!" the woman said and a man came and collected our papers and our guards came and got us.


My History exam went exactly the same except Layla came after to see how i had done and i thought i had done pretty well. I was basically shitting myself though today as it was day of the trial.

I was shoved with brutal force in the van by my guard and we drove to the court house where we were meeted by a lovely group of press wanting pictures and me to answer questions. I was put in a cell until it was time and i could see a clock opposite, i had ten minutes.

Layla's dad came in and he was in a long black gown "ready?" he asked from the opther side of the bars "no im rather scared!" i said and he laughed a bit, how is this funny?

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