Breaking into a house

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"So my Nana left a £10 note in her house and she was suppose to give it to me but she didn't! So now we have to get it!" A blonde girl shouted as she headed down the road to her Nana's house.

The two brunettes that were with her shrugged and followed after her.

Slowly they made it to the house and went around the back to try the back doors since the front obviously wasn't open.

The blonde tried to open the door but it was locked. "Dang it!" She sighed in frustration while the other two just laughed.

That when she noticed that the window was open. "Hey, look the window, its open." She pointed and walked over to it and pushed it up more. Now a small person could climb through.

"Alright, now its open but who would fit through it.." the blonde wondered out loud. Almost immediately both the blonde and one of the brunettes turned to the other.

"What?" Asked the small brunette, who was the perfect size to go through the window. They both smirked at each other.

"You know your the only one who could get through the window, Rally" the brunette said. Rally just rolled her eyes.

"Go figure," She walked to the window and looked in. "That's a lot of stuff in front of the window, what if I break something?" Rally said looking towards the blonde who shrugged.

"You won't, just move it out of the way and go around the side and open the back door." Was all that was said before Rally rolled her eyes and started to move things away from the window.

"You so owe me Vexa!" She shouted before starting to crawl through while the other two just laughed.

After crawling inside and land non to graceful, she slowly got up and looked around the room.

The room was rather nice, it had white walls covered in photos and a mirror. A flat screen tv was in the corner with two brown couches facing it and a coffee table in the middle.

She went to one of the only two doors in that room and opened it. The brunette jumped when the alarm went off but quickly scrambled to get the back door opened.

As soon as the door was opened Vexa came in and turned off the alarm laughing slightly.

Quinn was slowly following as never been in the house before unlike the other two. They left the door open so the alarm wouldn't go off again.

Lets just say that the three of them spent about 10 minutes searching the place. Vexa sighed standing next to the window, leaning on the wall.

"I don't know where it is, I'm pretty sure its in here somewhere!" Both her and Quinn sighed just scanning the room with their eyes.

"Yeah I can't find anything either!" Rally said sticking her head through the window. Vexa screamed and jumped away from the window panting heavily while the other two laughed hard.

Vexa just pouted but then started to laugh as well. It took about 5mins for them to stop laughing. When they did they decided to leave, putting everything back and closing the window slightly.

They started to walk away from the house when they spotted a familiar figure. "Guys that's my Nana act like we didn't break into her house!" The blonde muttered before walking up

"Oh Vexa I forgot to give you the money, I was actually going to give it to you know," she said. Our eyes widened when she handed Vexa a £10 note.

"Ohhhhhhhh, well um sorry for breaking into your house." She just laughed it off. When they were walking back Rally said that she would make a cake for her.

Lets just say in a few weeks she was eating cake and was gone when Vexa showed up and asked for some.

True story, also 'Quinn' accidentally insulted 'Vexa's' Nana's hair and she turned around to us and gave us a look like 'I don't like this person and might kill her' seriously she can be scary. But we were laughing for days.

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