Stalking texts~

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Quinn - "Guys Wallace and I are finally going on a date,"

Vexa - "Really, its about time, you've been dating for like two months."

Rally - "And you haven't kissed either."

Quinn - "I know but we finally organized it, its on Saturday."

Molly - "You've got three days to preparer and you need some nice clothes, so nothing in your wardrobe."

Quinn - "WHAT!"

Vexa - "Haha lol."

Rally - "We're going to stalk you, I hope you know this."

Vexa - "Oh yeah we are, so what are you doing anyways?"

Quinn - "We're just going around the town, walking around and stuff..."

Molly - "That's it?"

Quinn - "Yeah..."

Rally - "Your boyfriend is a pretty crappy boyfriend, just saying."

Vexa - "Go to Belfast."

Quinn - "I'm not going to go to Belfast, my mum wouldn't allow it."

Rally - "Plus you would probably get lost."

Vexa - "Can we go to Belfast?"

Molly - "Vexa shut up about Belfast, Rally is right though, he can't do anything. Not a good boyfriend."

Vexa - "Like you can talk, you and your boyfriend cheated on each other."

Molly - "Not the point."

Rally - "I feel lonely, got nobody. Oh well SINGLE TO MINGLE!"

Vexa - "Lonely, your so lonely~"

Rally - "How will you even socialize, like you two only really talk by texting."

Vexa - "They won't it will just be silence."

Molly - "So what time are you meeting up at?"

Quinn - "2:00pm"

Vexa - "Where are we meeting at to stalk her?"

Rally - "I don't know."

Vexa - "Oi, Quin where are you meeting at."

Quinn - "Grams Ice cream."

Molly - "Of course."

Rally - "Should we meet at 2:00 at ASDA."

Molly - "Sure."

Vexa - "K."

Quinn - "Wait are you actually going to stalk me?"

Rally - "Duh."

Vexa - "Doi."

Molly - "Yes we are."

Quinn - "OMG..."

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