The bottle accident

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"This is your fault Rally." Vexa mumbled as they walked to Rally's classroom. Said class happened to be Maths. Also happened to be Rally's form teacher.

"It was not, you were the one who placed it there." Rally snapped back as they neared the dreaded classroom.

After a minute of deciding who would knock on the door, Rally gave in and knocked the blue door.

The door flew open, startling the two as they eyed the short women in front of them.

She had shoulder length blonde hair, brown eyes and glasses. Her eyes narrowed in on the two students, mostly on her pupil, Rally.

"Mrs Frisk, uh I, uh. Um we, well you see...Ok so we um at lunch Vexa placed her water bottle on the table and um I accidentally hit it and it hit the floor. Um the bottom broke and now its a watery mess." Rally nervously explained, "so we need to go and clean it."

Mrs Frisk nodded, her eyes still narrowed and her were eyebrows scrunched up as she clearly did not believe what they were saying. "Alright then but be quick about it."

The two students nodded both backing away from the door and the unbelieving teacher. The door snapped shut and the two girls sprinted away.

"You could have helped with that." Rally said, glaring slightly at Vexa who just shrugged with a small smile. "Not my problem."

She ignored Rally's quiet, "yes it really is your problem!" Before knocking on her classroom door. Rally barely had time to realize that they were already at Vexa's classroom and that the door was opening.

As Vexa explained the same thing Rally did, although better, Rally thought about how they got into this mess.


They four girls were chatting. Just having got out of class they were all rather hungry and wanted nothing more than to sit down and eat their lunch.

And they would have if the bottle incident didn't happen.

Vexa placed her bottle on the table before continuing to chat with her friends. Two minutes later Rally came and sat down on the chair next to the table.

Her elbow hit the drink sending it flying to the ground. She looked at I, glad that it wasn't open but realized that it spilled everywhere.

"What the heck!?" Vexa yelled. Quin and Molly stood there watching with an 'I'm not getting caught up in this' look.

After a bit of arguing and the blame game, they two attempted to clean up the mess with toilet roll but that didn't work.

And to make things worse was that the bell went off.

So they discovered that the bottom of the bottle somehow had a hole in it. Now they were late to class, had no lunch and Vexa lost her drink.

It was a sad day in history.

Flashback over

"Come on we need to get the mop." Vexa called, saying a goodbye to her art teacher as she pulled Rally away.

Just before she left she said "she kinda a bum." The look the art teacher gave could kill.

____5mins later cause of boringness____

"I'm hungry." Vexa groaned as she finished playing with the mop. The floor was clean after a minute after getting the mop. They were just bored and didn't want to go to class.

Vexa turned to Rally who was...stuffing her face with her lunch.


Vexa silently headed towards her lunch box, glad that she was lunches for once. As slowly the two ate their lunch, talking about who knows what when someone walked past the corner.

Both girls froze, thinking it was a teacher but visibly sighed in relief when they realized it was a friend.

The girl was taller the Rally (nearly everyone was -_-) but shorter than Vexa. Her long, golden blonde hair was pulled into a neat pony tail, her brown eyes looking curiously at them. Then she looked at the mop, a smile slowly forming in her face.

"Can I have a go?" She asked, not even waiting for the two to answer as she grabbed the mop. "Sure, knock yourself out." Rally mumbled, as she watched the Lily play with the mop.

Lily began to dance around with the mop, unknowingly, or knowingly mopping up the floor even more. Vexa and Rally cheered her on for a few minutes when Lily said she had to go.

She slowly put the mop down before saying, "Thanks, that was fun but I gotta run." And with that she left. Vexa and Rally, finished their lunch before giving the mop back and returning to their respective classes.

(At the same time...)

Molly and Quinn looked up from their maths work to look at their teacher, Mrs Frisk.

"Did they really make a mess or did they do it just to get out of class?" She asked impatiently, even though she liked these two students.

Molly and Quinn shared a look, they could either tell the truth, that they didn't mean to make the mess. OR they could lie and say they did.

As much as they wanted to they knew that Vexa and Rally would chew them out later for it so they choose to defend them.

"Yeah, they accidentally spilt a bottle of water and are now cleaning it up." Molly said, trying not to laugh. Mrs Frisk nodded before going back to her computer.

Molly and Quinn burst out laughing. They couldn't wait to share this with Vexa and Rally later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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