Chased by a drunk

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"I hate band parades, why does this place have so many of them!" Vexa growled out in annoyance.

"Oh please, its not that bad, you will get used to it." Rally said rather annoyed herself.

"Why don't we just go to that park we usually go to?" A third voice entered the conversation. The two turned to face the third girl, who was silently following them.

Molly, with her dirty brown hair and green eyes, raised an eyebrow. The two other girls just nodded. They made stupid conversations such as things like anime and murder. They just so happened to be talking about murder when passing the police.

They gave the girls weird looks before continuing to talk among themselves.

They were close to the park when Vexa said, "Why do ya think Quinn couldn't come?" Rally pondered for a moment before giving a questionable glance Molly's way.

You see Molly knew Quinn longer than any of them. Molly was in the same primary school as Quinn and had been friends for years.

Rally and Quinn had met all throughout their childhood but never really talked much. They always bumped into each other, whether it be at GB or a birthday party, they constantly met.

Vexa only moved here a couple of months, nearly a year ago so she wouldn't perfectly know. Neither would Rally.

"Probably her mum. She's really protective." Molly said, before going onto her phone to text another person about who knows what.

Vexa and Rally complained about how Quinn couldn't come before Vexa stole Molly's phone and running ahead. Molly shouted in protest, running after her, while Rally, being the merciless person she is did nothing but laugh.

Rally finally made it to the entrance to the park to see Molly chasing Vexa to the swings.

The park was huge, but had very little equipment. Most of the park was for football, but there was of course swings, slide and a round-a-bout. A forest trail led around the park, going to the centre of town and the harbour.

Rally, realizing that if she didn't run she would probably get stuck with a crappy swing ran after them. Surprisingly she got the good swing and by the time she sat down, Vexa had given Molly her phone back.

Molly glared at Vexa, who was drinking the freshly bought bottle of Rally's. Rally didn't seem to care as she was just swing on the swing without a care in the world.

They chatted for awhile, doing random stuff like stealing each other's things and climbing onto the slide or singing badly on the round-a-bout.

Finally, all three sat on the swing, trying to swing the highest when they heard voices.

It sounded like a bunch of drunk mumbo jumbo, but the girls only gave one glance at the forest trail behind the park before continuing to swing.

Usually, the drunk people would just walk on through the trail and into the square in the center of town or the harbour. But these drunk people stayed by the tall gate, separating the two places.

By now Molly had stopped swinging and Vexa was slowing down. Molly was subtly - but really not - looking at them from her place on the swing.

"How drunk do you think they are?" She asked, still looking at them. Rally slowed down, looking over her shoulder, not really trying to be subtle.

"I would say pretty drunk, look at them." Rally spoke as all three looked at them pushing each other and laughing obnoxiously. "Idiots." Vexa mumbled, Rally shot her a mischievous look.

"Like your one to talk." Rally and Vexa argued teasingly, just trying to annoy the other. Molly laughed at them, once in a while joining in on the insults, mostly against Vexa.

"Why is everyone against me!" Vexa cried out dramatically.

A noise made them turn to the gate to see one of the drunk guys trying to climb the fence but failing.

"What is he doing?" Rally questioned. The others shrugged, staring as he tried to climb over the fence. After a moment they continued to talk, keeping a weary eye on the drunky.

After a few minutes they heard a 'thump' of someone landing on the ground. All three of them turned to the gate to see the drunk guy walking towards them.

The girls blinked for a moment, staring at the man as he walked towards them. Vexa coughed, grabbing Molly's phone and making a run for it.

Molly immediately followed, shouting a half hearted, "Vexa, give me my phone!" Both girls just left Rally who was still looking at the man who had now picked up speed.

Rally stood up, mumbling a quick, "I guess that is my que," before running after her friends. She didn't hear it but the others did hear the drunk yell, "THE GIRLS ARE GETTING AWAY!" Before running after the three girls.

Rally caught up to them quickly and they all ran to the main road, where actual people inhabitant. Leaning against the wall, catching their breath.

"Do you think he stopped chasing us?" Rally questioned, she didn't look back when they ran. All those horror movies taught her that.

"I don't know."

They stood in silence for a moment before Vexa said..."Lets stay here and see if he walks by and if he does something."

For some reason  Molly and Rally nodded and they stood against the wall, waiting. They didn't have to wait long as the drunk passed them rather quickly. He didn't spare them another look.

All of them let out a breath of relief before going the Rally's dads car.

The next few days, they told Quinn of their adventure. Quinn paused before saying, "I think he goes to this school, he called me a cunt before." Then she pointed across the room, towards another class.

"I think he's over there."

So yeah, that's that adventure. That was so creepy and he actually did go to our school but he didn't remember us which is good.

So I hope you enjoy our strange adventures.


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