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How. How do I keep this terribly sweet boy sitting across from me safe? I really do love him but I have to keep him safe. I have Cobs (Jacob's codename) and Jet but I don't think they'd fair well against the Mascarter... My Irene what have I gotten my self into.

You know what. What ever happens happens. I'm with tanner. He loves me and I, I guess love him? I wanna do what ever he wants to do. It's been all about me lately and that needs to change.


"Huh? Yeah what's up?"

"What do you want to do?"


"Pick anything. I wanna do something you like to do."

"Uhh ok... I can teach you how to scoot?"

"Ok. Sounds fun!"

"Are you ok?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You've been acting kinda wierd. First you call me babe. I mean I'm not against it, you just cought me off gaurd. Second you haven't touched your food sence it arived. You've been glaring at it like I called you a b*tch, or something."

"Oh,sorry, I'm just contemplating stuff. Don't worry."

I can tell he's worried about me. I honestly think that I really do love him.

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I'm not gonna try and come up with a reason for not updating. I honestly am having writers block but I'm trying to figure it out. Please for give me. I hope you guys are enjoying your summer vacation because I know I am. Oh also, I know yall don't care but I found out that my cousin and her husband are having a baby! It's gonna be really weird. Welp if you ever wanna talk don't hesitate to message me

Love you guys

- Swooshii

Can I trust you? //Tanner Fox [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now