In the club -Paul Lahote-

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Paul and you had been dating for months, and spent every weekend together doing just about anything. There was a new club opening up in Seattle and he wanted to take you to it. So, you got all dressed up in a cute black dress and pumps. It was tight and showed off your curves, and you thought Paul would love it.

"Sydney, are you ready?" He asked knocking on your bedroom door. You looked over yourself once last time and grabbed your clutch. You opened the door awaiting a jaw drop, but you received the opposite. "You can't wear that." He said sternly, pushing you back into your room. "Excuse me? I can, and will wear whatever I want." You argued.

"Fine, go out looking like a-" Your glare stopped Paul from finishing his statement. "Are we gonna go or not?" You snapped. The drive to the nightclub was long and tense. Neither you or Paul muttered a word, both caught up in anger. The club was raving and you couldn't wait to let loose and not have to deal with Paul's possessiveness.

You both easily got in and started dancing. The night went on, you had a few drinks and danced with strangers. It was a blast. You were dancing with a blonde girl and the next minute a guy is all up on you. You scoffed and pushed at the man, calling him a 'perv'. Paul called your name once before grabbing on to your arm. "We leaving." He spat. You noticed he was shaking and decided it'd be better to just listen to him.

Paul's knuckles were white as they clinched to the steering wheel. He sped home and when he was outside your house he took a long breath. "You can't go around humping other guys, you are mine. I'm not going to share." He sighed. You gasped, "I'm 'humping' other guys? That creep was all over me, where were you?" You accused. "Looking for you!" He yelled, slamming his fist down onto the wheel.

You both sat there for a few minutes without speaking, just looking out the windows. "I'm sorry I yelled." He whispered. You nodded, "I'm sorry I danced with a bunch of strangers. That was dangerous and slutty." He looked up at you and grabbed your hand. "Syd, you are not a slut. I love you." He pulled you to him and lightly kissed your lips. "I love you too."

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