First dates.

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Your first date with him.

Edward Cullen:
Edward loved to play the piano, and so did you.
So when hanging out at his house turned into a big session of playing the piano, you had a blast.
You both counted it as a date.

Jacob Black:
You love fun, so Jake took you to laser tag for you first date.
Except a little more went on then playing laser tag, let's just say you won.

Paul Lahote:
When your date got ruined by the rain, Paul told you to come to his house in sweats.
So instead of cliff diving you two watched cartoons and ate pizza, the perfect date in your opinion.

Embry Call:
You and Embry went to the zoo since he knew you liked animals.
It was a blast, especially seeing a giraffe lick his face.

Seth Clearwater:
You and Seth went surfing for your first date, and it was better than any fancy restaurant date that you'd been on.
Just Seth, you, and nature- the perfect combination.

Emmett Cullen:
You and Emmett loved baseball, so for your first date he took you to a game.
Your team won, and there were fireworks afterwards that provided the perfect moment for a first kiss.

Jasper Hale:
You and Jasper went horse back riding since you both loved connecting to your southern side.
It was amazing, besides falling off your horse- don't worry Jasper was there to catch you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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