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"Happy first day of Junior year!" Mrs. Johnston exclaimed, obviously way over excited, even for the first day back. "Welcome-"

She started, but was interrupted by a clicking of the door opening on the other side of the classroom. Her head turned, as did everyone's in the classroom.

Luke's jaw dropped from the last desk back.

Standing there was the most beautiful man he had ever seen. His hair was light brown, half pulled back by a bandana. He had black glasses that perfectly framed his gorgeous green eyes.

"S-sorry." The mystery boy stuttered out, causing Luke to bite his lip, trying not to coo. "Ah! You must be Ashton!" Mrs. Johnston exclaimed, even more excited than before. She walked over, smiling. "Please, have a seat." She said, and Ashton nodded.

There were plenty of empty seats. Luke was praying that Ashton would choose the one next to him.

Luke's prayers were answered. Ashton smiled as he plopped down at the desk right next to the boy. Luke smiled back.

The math teacher began the class back at the front of the room, and Luke leaned in close to Ashton's ear. "My name's Luke. Luke Hemmings." He whispered, and Ashton blushed. "I'm Ashton. Irwin." He grinned from ear to ear, pushing his bandana back.

"You must be new this year. I would have remembered a pretty face like yours." Luke smirked, and Ashton stuttered as he pushed up the glasses on his face. He leaned back in his chair, trying his best to be casual. "Yeah. Just moved here from Britain." He smiled, and Luke's eyes widened in surprise.

"Holy shít. That's a long way!" Luke said, and Ashton chuckled. "Yeah. My mum got a better job down here I guess."

"Well, I'm glad she did." Luke smiled for the millionth time this class period, licking his piercing-clad lips. He turned so his feet were resting under Ashton's chair.

The rest of the class period was extremely boring for Luke, and he already decided he would be skipping this class a lot. The only enjoyment he had was the sort-of conversations he had with the mystery boy he now knew as Ashton, but he soon wanted to know everything he possibly could about the boy.


"I'm new this year and-" Ashton began explaining again, giving the same speech he had giving to all his teachers, and any of the kids that seemed to care, which now consisted of just two. A cute boy in the back of his Math class named Luke, and his one friend that he managed to make, named Michael.

It was the period before Lunch, and Ashton was beyond scared. Not only because he never had lunch, but he would have nowhere to sit. Luckily, though, Michael saved him from his worries as he dashed into the class last minute, sitting down in the seat behind Ashton.

"Hey, Ash." Michael whispered, and Ashton smiled. He could tell already that they were gonna be good friends.

This was just a study hall, and the teacher was done explaining the rules in minutes, so they were just given free time for the rest of the period. Ashton turned around and smiled at Michael, which he returned sweetly.

"Do you want to sit by us at lunch?" Michael asked, and he could see the worry wipe completely clean from Ashton's face. Well, almost completely. "Us meaning who exactly?" Ashton asked, suddenly becoming very interesting in his fingernails.

"Don't be nervous. Just me, Calum, if you know him," Ashton shook his head no. "Well, you're gonna love him. And...Luke. Luke Hemmings." Michael finished, biting his lip. He knew how Luke was. Luke was one of his best friends. He liked to call his friend anti-social, but mostly, he just didn't like new people.

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