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Ashton was walking to his locker that day when it happened. He almost got to his locker when he felt strong hands on his shoulders, forcibly turning him around. Ashton gasped as the hands were on his chest, shoving him to the ground.

Ashton groaned as his back hit the rough floor. "Fu ck." He mumbled, trying to get back up, but a sneaker-clad foot connected with his rib. "What the hell!" Ashton exclaimed, scrambling back up and pushing the man who had kicked him into a locker. He didn't even recognize the guy. "What did i even do to you?"

The man held up a fist, swinging it at Ashton. He ducked, missing the punch by a mere centimeter. Just then, his eyes locked with his so-called best friend and protector. "Luke?" He whispered, watching as the boy walked away, not looking back. Ashton's eyes filled with tears as he pushed this jock away. "Get the fu ck away from me, man! Who the hell even are you?" He screamed, turning on his heels and walking away swiftly.

Ashton heard his name being called, but refused to look back. He walked all the way to his house, breaking down as soon as he got through the door. He didn't care that some guy tried to beat him up. He didn't care about the growing bruise on his lower abdomen.

He didn't care about the sudden urge to do what he was trying to stay clean from doing for so long. All he could think about was Luke. What did he do to the boy? What was wrong with him? He was sure the boy would start to hate him sooner or later, but he didn't think it would be this soon. Maybe Luke was just tired of him and was trying to get rid of him. He just couldn't figure it out.

He sees someone walk by his house, and immediately recognizes the hoodie and blonde hair. The tears start falling even quicker as the boy walks toward his door, he shakes his head, screaming into his hands as a knock is heard on the door. He wills himself not to get up, but the door clicks and opens.

"Ashton?" A quiet voice whispers, seeing him on the floor. "Oh my god Ashy!" He said, kneeling down next to the boy. "D-don't call me th-that." He stutters, pulling his sleeve over his hands and leaning his head against the wall.

"We have to talk." Luke sighed, knowing exactly why he was acting so cold, since the boy was doing the same thing to him just a little while ago. "No we don't. You h-hate me. I knew it w-would happen s-s-sooner or later. Just g-go away!" Ashton screamed the last sentence, pushing Luke away from him, his hands landing on the boy's broad chest.

"Can you just listen? I saw some things...I'm sorry how I reacted, I just didn't know how to. And I know now that that was the wrong reaction." Luke says, and Ashton meets his eyes. "What do you mean you saw something?" Ashton asks and Luke reached a hand to wipe away a tear from Ashton's cheek. He flinched. Luke let his hands drop, fiddling with his fingers.

"Um, someone sent me some...pictures." Luke says, blushing at the thought. "Oh my god." Ashton was speechless. After a few moments of silence he sighed. "Can I explain? Please." His eyes heals a gaze that a million words couldn't describe. Luke nodded slowly, licking his lips.

"That's the whole reason I moved all the way to Australia! It was one guy. He ruined my fucking life, Luke, my entire reputation. If these pictures get around again..shit. He was the reason I started cutting. He was the reason I tried to kill myself for fucking sake! He was the reason that my dad started...you know. He's the reason my mom is in the hospital! I was in love with him...Luke...and, and he ruined me." Ashton cried out, stuffing his face into his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Ashton. Do you wanna tell me what happened? You don't have to tell me but...I want to help. I promise I didn't know about any of this, I'm really sorry I hurt you. Shit. I never wanna do that to you again. I was just thinking about myself and that wasn't fair." Luke said, holding out his hand for Ashton to take, so he could pull the boy up.

Ashton stumbled, falling into Luke's arms. He gasped as Luke caught him, holding Ashton to his chest. He blushed ans giggled. Luke smiled, he was happy to have his boy back. Even for the short time they spent apart. Both the boys sat down, and Ashton took a deep breath.

"He was pressuring me, so, I sent some things. Things I obviously regret. He threatened to break up with me if I didn't, and he was my first love." Ashton explained. "I didn't know what to do. I was blinded by love, Luke. You don't know what it's like." Ashton said, but Luke answered and said, "Actually, I do." Ashton looked at him curiously, his eyebrows raised.

Luke shrugged. "There was this girl, back in freshman year. She cheated on me like 3 times and I was too blind to notice. Too bad she was just my beard anyways." Luke said, "But I loved her. I'm not sure how you do that but, I really did. I don't know." He explained, and Ashton nodded.

"Anyways, I might not get exactly what you're going through, but I understand being blinded by love, doing things you usually wouldn't do because you love someone." Luke said, taking Ashton's hands into his own. Luke looked at him and bit his lip, as if he was deciding whether or not to do something.

He leaned in, lips parted barely. He closed his eyes, and Ashton mimicked his actions. Their lips brushed together and were about to fully press together when there was a knock on the door, causing both of them to jump back.

Ashton, flustered, ran to the door, opening it. "Hey Ashton. What the hell is going on? Are you okay?" Micheal and Calum were at his door, rushing into his home. "Oh." Micheal said, looking at Luke. "What're you doing here?" Calum asked Luke crossing his arms, and Luke shrugged. "Making amends. I better get going-" Luke said, but Ashton cut him off. "Please! Stay." He muttered, grabbing Luke's bicep.

Luke nodded, sitting back down, pulling Ashton into his lap. Ashton gasped, getting comfortable on the boy's thighs. "I thought you were mad at him." Micheal laughed, flopping down on the couch next to the boys. "We talked. Figured it all out." Luke answered, not sure who he was talking to. "Good. Ash was sad. Nobody likes a sad Ashton." Calum pouted, sitting on the chair.

"Hey Ashton, where's your mom?" Micheal asked all of a sudden, and Calum was quick to shush him, but it was too late. "Um..." He trailed off, causing Luke to pull him closer, wrapping his arms around the boy's skinny waist. "She's in the hospital." Ashton said, voice raspy from crying, but he could still feel tears brimming his eyes. Luke kissed his cheek over and over while Micheal apologized for asking.

"It's fine, it's fine. I don't know why I didn't tell you sooner. I'm sorry." Ashton said, resting his head on Luke's shoulder. Luke hummed contentedly, smiling. "Don't be. I'm glad I know." Micheal smiled sadly, resting a hand on his friend's knee. Ashton smiled, cuddling into Luke's chest. Micheal ended up leaving a little while later, he had something with his mom later that day. Calum stayed, and looked up at the two cuddling boys in front of him and frowned.

"What's going on with you two? Yesterday Ashton was all upset because you didn't talk to him but now you're like connected at the hip. What happened between after school and when we came over?" Calum asked, and Ashton shrugged.

"We talked about it. We're all good now." Ashton said, grinning, and Luke nodded, adjusting his hands a bit.

"You guys wanna do something tomorrow? Go swimming maybe?" Calum asked, and Luke nodded while Ashton shrugged shyly. "Well, we'll see. I'm gonna go." Calum said, standing up and brushing off his pants.

Ashton waved a bit, and Calum wiggles his eyebrows before he left, causing the smallest boy to blush. Luke rested a hand on his "friend's" thigh, smiling as he rubbed his thumb over the boy's skinny jean-clad leg. Ashton shivered a bit, biting his lip.

"Why don't you wanna go to the beach?" Luke asked, and Ashton shrugged after a second. "I'm just, insecure, I guess. About a lot of things. I didn't wanna say no, but, I don't know if I can go." Ashton pouted, looking Luke in his bright blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ash. If we do end up going, I promise I'll try and make you comfortable as possible and Ashton, you're beautiful. You shouldn't be insecure." Luke said quietly, liking the silence between them and not wanting to disrupt it. Ashton blushed again, but nodded. "Thank you. So much." He said, smiling as he kissed Luke's jawline, soft and sweet.


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