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Time to go to the beach!!!1!1!1!!!

Ashton met up with Calum at his car. Yep, they were going to the beach. It took a lot of persuading, well, more like begging, from Luke. But Ashton thought that his begging face was just too cute, and he couldn't say no. So there they were, all piled up in Calum's buggy, going to the beach in November. Luckily it was warm in Australia.

"So what happening with your mum?" Luke asked, when Micheal and Calum weren't listening, to busy screaming words to their favorite songs.

"She's okay, but she's going into rehab." Ashton answered, shrugging. "And how do you feel about that?" Luke asked, genuinely wanting to know how he feels. "Umm, I don't really know. They say I'm old enough to live on my own for a few weeks, but I just miss my mum so much. They wouldn't even let me talk to her after everything. I was there when she woke up, and the nurse just shooed me out."

"That's horrible, Ashton. I'm so sorry. But this'll get your mind off of everything, okay?" Luke says, his blue eyes burning into Ashton's. "I guess." He said, biting his lip. "I promise. You have nothing to be self-conscious about, and even if you did, Micheal and Cal would be the last people to judge you." Luke smiled, and Ashton just nodded, trying to calm himself down.

Luke noticed right away, so he put a hand on Ashton's cheek, making the boy look at him. "I'll be right here, okay?" He whispers, scooting closer to the boy. "Okay." Ashton answers, barely audible. He rests his head on Luke's shoulder as his breathing starts to become even again, shifting until he's comfortable.

Luke just wraps his arm around Ashton's shoulder, playing with his hair. They get to the beach a couple minutes later, and Ashton gets out, rocking back and forth on his feet. Luke immediately takes his hand, pulling the boy until they can feel the sand beneath their feet.

Ashton smiles a bit as he watches his friends take off their shirts, following in suit. He didn't know what he was so worried about, these were his best friends and the last people on earth to judge him for anything. They jumped into the lake a moment later, and just had fun in the water.

After about an hour, Luke pulled Ashton out of the lake. Apparently they needed to "get their summer bods." So, they laid on their towels, talking. Calum and Micheal disappeared somewhere, probably to fu ck, so that just left them two.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" Luke asked, but Ashton was already one step ahead of him, pulling Luke's AC/DC shirt over his head.

Luke smiled, noticing, but just grabbed his hand and they started walking. Everything was perfect. They walked on the coastline, so it was all so beautiful. Eventually, Luke had stopped, and let go of Ashton's hand.

"Hey-" Ashton said, but Luke just grabbed his waist and turned his around, smiling. He leaned in once again, yearning to feel the boy's lips on his own. Ashton closed his eyes and waited, soon feeling a pair of soft lips connect with his own. They kissed for a few seconds before Ashton finally pulled away.

"I never kissed somebody with a lip ring before."

"Did you like?" Luke smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Obviously." Ashton scoffed, and kissed him again. He couldn't get used to the taste of his lips. He could feel Luke start to deepen the kiss, so he let go and smirked. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" He yelled, running down the edge of the water back to where Calum and Micheal were waiting for them. Luke yelled out that he was a tease, and caught up to him easily. Suddenly a wave crashed over them and they both fell over, Ashton giggled and rolled on top of Luke.


The taller of the two wrapped his arms around Ashton's waist, kissing him gently.

"Hey boys! I hate to break this up, but we have a game to get to!" Calum yelled from the car. Ashton got up first, helping the ladder up, their fingers laced together as they walked back to the car, and Ashton couldn't have been happier.

"So I expect all is well with Lashton?" Micheal asked as they were driving the boys back to their homes. "Lashton?" Luke laughed out, thinking it was ridiculous. "Yes."

Ashton smiled as he rested his head on Luke's bare shoulder, it was now that he realized he was still wearing Luke's T-shirt. "Shit..you want your shirt back?" He mumbled quietly. Luke shook his head, "Its all yours."

"You tired, love?" Luke asked, putting his hand on top of the other boy's which was resting on his leg. Ashton just nodded in response, cuddling closer to him.

Luke started to doze off as well, and Calum cooed from the front seat. "Oh my god Mikey you have to take a picture!" He tried to say quietly, and Micheal nodded as he whipped out his phone, snapping a few.

"Luke, wake up. We're here." They we're back at Luke's place, and he nodded as he stretched. He opened the door and got out, careful not to wake up the sleeping boy beside him.

He scooped up Ashton easily into his tatted arms, bringing him inside the house. He opened the door and slammed it closed with his foot, and as he was walking up the stairs, Ashton cuddled closer to him.

Luke placed him gently on the bed, smiling at the sleeping boy. He draped the blankets over him before walking back downstairs.

"Is Ashton here, honey?" Liz asked as Luke came into the living room. "Yeah. He fell asleep in the car so I brought him in, if that's okay." Luke answered, and she grinned.

"That's fine. You've gotten really close to this boy lately, haven't you?" She smirked, and Luke looked down, a trace blush running up from his neck. "Don't worry about it. He's cute." His mom took a sip of her wine, barely acknowledging the fact that the boy he was practically in love with was in his bed.

"Yeah. I know." Luke said quickly before dashing upstairs, to check on his boy.


Its been a while, eh, fellas? 9 months to be exact. In all honesty I thought I finished this story? And it wasnt until I looked back at an unfinished draft that I realized I hadnt. So heres part 8. Hope u like ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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