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It had been a full month since school started, and Ashton couldn't have been happier. He had three amazing best friends, and sure, a couple people hated him, but that was to be expected. Luke had another soccer game, and Ashton wanted to go, he really did, he was just scared.

Luke tried to promise him that he wouldn't let anybody touch the boy, but Ashton still had his doubts. "Please? You're my lucky charm." Luke whined. Ashton, Micheal, Luke, and Calum were all in Luke's basement, playing some video game. Well, Luke and Micheal were. Calum was seated in between Micheal's legs, leaning against his chest. He was talking to Ashton mostly, who was seated in between Luke and Micheal.

After Luke won for the third time, Micheal huffed, setting down his controller. He snaked his arms around Calum's waist, pulling him closer. Calum smiled, setting a head on his boyfriend's shoulder. They kissed, and Luke scoffed, throwing popcorn at them.

"Get a room!" Luke cried, booing at them. Ashton giggled, watching as Calum and Micheal ran out of the room. "I gotta go, Luke." He said, and Luke pouted. "Stay." He whined, and Ashton shrugged. "I have to go before..." Ashton trailed off, and Luke frowned.

"Can't you just stay and I can take you to the game?" Luke pleaded, and Ashton shook his head. "I'd love to but...you and I both know I can't. I'll be at the game, as long as Micheal or somebody comes with, okay?" Ashton says, and Luke nods. "Okay. See you tonight." Luke says with a sad smile.

Ashton walked back home. "Mum. I'm home! Mom?" Ashton said, walking into the living room, surprised to see she wasn't there. He walked into the kitchen. "Mom!" He screamed, dropping to the ground when he saw two feet from behind the table. "Oh my god oh my god don't leave me!" Ashton screamed, putting a hand to her cheek.

Ashton fumbled into his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialing 911. "What's your emergency?" A woman's voice rang through his ears. "Um, my-I came home and I found my mum on the floor, she drinks and I think she passed out oh my god please send an ambulance, fu ck." Ashton rambled, hanging up quickly.

Ashton sat on the floor next to his mom's lifeless body. He checked her pulse and saw her heart was still beating. After a couple of minutes that felt like hours, Ashton heard a siren sound and got up to open the door. An ambulance showed up at his door, and a large man pushed him aside. "In the kitchen." He said, before making his way to the truck. "I can come with, right?" He asked the doctor, and she shrugged. "I don't see why not."

Two big men came back a couple moments later with Ashton's mom on the stretcher. "Ashton!" A voice called out, and the boy looked behind him to see a certain punk guy running up to him. "What's going on?" Luke asked, and Ashton looked down. "It's my mum." He said in a hoarse voice. "Awe, Ashy. C'mon. I'll take you to the hospital." He said, snaking his arm around Ashton's waist and leading him to his car. "Luke! What was that all about?" His mother asked, and Luke shrugged.

"Mum, it's kinda an emergency. Ashton's mom..." He said, and his mother nodded. "You can take my car." She said, waving them off. Ashton's knee was bouncing the whole way there, and Luke had no idea how to comfort him. So when they got out, he immediately grabbed his friend's hand, giving it a squeeze.

"What about your game?" Ashton asked after a while in the waiting room. His mother was in the intensive care unit, and they were doing work on her, so he couldn't see her for at least another hour.

"This is so much more important than a game with a team we were gonna beat anyways." Luke said, placing a hand on Ashton's thigh. Ashton felt his heart skip a beat, but it didn't last long, since the nurse came out. "Ashton Irwin?" The woman asked, and Ashton nodded, standing up. Luke started to follow him, but the woman stopped him. "Sorry. Family only." She said, as Ashton took a long breath out.

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