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Priscilla, or Cilia as she had preferred to be called, was having a bad day altogether

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Priscilla, or Cilia as she had preferred to be called, was having a bad day altogether. She had a major paper due for her English Lit class in a few days and she was well out of ideas. In fact, she was in writers block. She really wondered why she even bothered to decide to become an English teacher anyway. She wasn't as great as everyone thought she was. There were better people more suited for the job than she was.

Cilia groaned in frustration. There was no way that she was getting anywhere with this paper tonight. Her brain was on straight up shut down mode.

"Cilia!" a voice shrieked down the apartment floor. It could be none other than her best friend and roommate, Mallory.

Mallory was a special kind of person

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Mallory was a special kind of person. She was probably the sweetest person to walk planet Earth and she was a literally sunshine. She was epitome was happiness. You couldn't help but smile around her and she was right laugh. She always knew how to make peoples's day better. She was a darling friend and a devout Christian.

Church was actually where the two had met. Cilia had just moved to Texas for college and was looking for a new Baptist church to attend. Cilia went that Sunday morning with her girlfriend at the time. No one noticed that Cilia and Bristol were a couple. They weren't invested in PDA and they never did that inside a church because they knew they would get kicked out, but Mallory knew right away that they were a couple.


The sermon had just finished and Cilia and Bristol were on their way out of the church to head home when a short brunette stopped them in their path.

"Welcome to Austin Baptist Church. I'm Mallory Holt, the church choir leader. I'm just so happy that homosexuals aren't scared to come to church. Please don't leave. I'd love it if you stayed." Mallory introduced herself, in the process calling the two girls homosexuals, which made them cringe.

In all truth, Mallory had never really been exposed to gay people in her life. Her parents were very anti-gay, as well as her brothers, but Mallory was different. She didn't judge people. What people did on their own time was none of her business.
Cilia and Bristol stayed for another ten minutes before they had to leave for work. Mallory gave them her number and they remained in touch.

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