6 | I Wish

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"Cilia?" Gavin's voice whispered through the apartment. Or at least what he thought was a whisper.

It was one in the morning when Gavin finally made it back to the apartment and Cilia wasn't very pleased with that. It didn't take that long to pack a few pairs of clothes and essentials.

"You're not whispering. Shut up." Michaela's voice whined from the couch. She wasn't much of a morning person or a sound person. Waking up Michaela was just never in your best interest.

"Gavin, what the hell? Why are you here so late?" Cilia asked after noticing the commotion outside her bedroom door.

"The boys wouldn't let me leave. I tried to, but they blocked the door and everything and then Lana came to visit and it was just a mess. I'm so sorry." Gavin apologized. He was telling the truth. He wanted to be with Cilia and the baby. Not his dorm mates and fuck buddy.

"Lana as in fuck buddy Lana?" Cilia questioned. Gavin nodded in response.

She knew Lana from her Peer Tutor class. Lana was very beautiful with the bright blue eyes and the strawberry blonde hair that adorned her head. In every aspect, she was a model and she was just simply born to be beautiful.

"Its okay. Lets just go to bed, okay? I'm tired. You're tired. Michaela's obviously tired. Lets get some rest." Cilia smiled, ushering Gavin to her room.

"You can sleep with me, if you'd like. It's not a big deal to me." Cilia said as she closed her door behind them. She pulled her shirt off and laid in the bed.

She only wore a bra and shorts and for Gavin, all he could see was how beautiful she was. It was really a shame she wasn't into men. Otherwise Gavin would've liked to have sex with her and actually remember it. He pulled off his jacket and his shirt and laid on the left side of the bed. He turned so that they were face to face. They laid like that, just looking at each other, in a comfortable silence for many minutes.

"I'm sorry you're stuck in this mess." Cilia finally said.

"This isn't a mess. This is our miracle." Gavin smiled, putting his hands on her belly once more, this time feeling her soft skin.

"You know, when I was younger, the doctors used to tell me that I wouldn't be able to have kids." Cilia admitted.

It was something that she had a hard time admitting. After all, she was a woman and the one thing a woman should be able to do is bare children and Cilia felt like a failure because she couldn't. Up until now.

"Look at you now. Carrying a Boyce in your stomach. You showed those doctors." Gavin smiled. He wasn't looking at her. He was looking at her stomach. Even though there was no bump yet, it was their baby in there.

"Go to sleep, Gav. We have to unpack tomorrow." Cilia said. She turned around and faced the wall.

Gavin nodded, closing his eyes and wrapping his arm around her waist.


Cilia awoke to the sounds of banging on her door and yelling. Both Cilia and Gavin jumped from their positions and groaned.

"Gavin Axel Boyce! Open this door right this minute."

It was Lana.

Cilia didn't even bother putting a shirt on and went to unlock the door. She needed to get Lana to leave. This was utterly ridiculous.
"Jesus, Lana. It's four in the morning. What the fuck do you want?" Cilia cursed, looking at the time.

She turned around as she saw Michaela walk to the guest room to sleep. Evidently, Michaela couldn't sleep on the couch in these conditions.

"I want Gavie

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"I want Gavie." Lana's voice slurred. Just great. She was fucking pissed drunk.

What was it with college kids and getting drunk on weekdays?

"Lana, don't be pathetic. C'mon, babe." Cilia groaned, picking Lana up off the ground in the hallway. She looked like a stick, but the alcohol was really wearing her down. That or Cilia had seriously lost her strength.

"Love, let me help." Gavin said coming from the bedroom. He went to put a shirt on. Gavin grabbed Lana by her arms and Cilia grabbed her legs and they dragged her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed.

"I'm going to get her some water." Gavin said, walking out of the room.

Cilia sighed as she watched the beautiful but pathetic drunk of a woman on her bed.

"Cilia?" Lana asked for the attention of the brunette whose home she had just barged into.

Cilia hummed in response.

"Why doesn't Gavin love me?" she asked.

"Well, this is reality, Alaina. Life isn't a fairytale and Gavin is no prince. He's just a guy and you're just a girl. There is no happy ending because the story doesn't end until your life ends. There are only brief pauses in life that you can considering a happily ever after. Reality isn't like the movies. There's no guy that's going to risk his life to save you or get your attention. At least not right now and Gavin is not that guy in the least. Love is a strong word, Lana, and for most people, love doesn't come easily. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment and think we feel something that isn't there. You don't love him. You just think you do. He's not the one, but someday, your prince will come." Cilia explained. As she said everything, she thought of Melany and how much she had decieved her in their relationship. It made her heart ache to think about it.

"Hehe, that rhymed." Lana giggled.

Cilia snorted, "You are so pissed its not even funny."

"Here's her water." Gavin said, walking into the bedroom with a glass in his hand.

After Lana finished the glass, Cilia and Gavin told her to sleep. They slept on the floor for the rest of the night. Lana would want to know what happened when she woke up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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