3 | Don't Come Home Drinking

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CHAPTER THREE: Don't Come Home Drinking

"Wow. You look much prettier than Gavin. Would have never guessed you were related." Cilia smirked at Gavin, directing the statement towards Savannah.

"Oh. Ha, ha." Gavin scowled at the brunette.

"Don't get too into your feelings, Gavie. She's right. It's not her fault I'm the better Boyce." Savannah gave her older brother a sinister smile and Cilia tried to hide her laugh at the statement.

Cilia checked the time, realizing that she needed to be home in time to be able to cook dinner, so she interrupted. "Well, this has been a blast, but I must bid you ado. Thanks for everything, Savannah."

Cilia walked off even though Gavin was calling her name. At this point, Cilia didn't give a shit what he had to say to her. Ever since the one night stand happened, he had been treating her differently and Cilia didn't like that, so she was done with his shit.


When Cilia got home, she was headed to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. That was until Mallory called for her.

Cilia followed Mallory's voice to her bedroom. Mallory was in her closet with just a pair of jeans and a sports bra on. Cilia didn't care. It wasn't like it was the first time Mallory was half naked in front of her. Cilia wasn't attracted to the Mexican, so it didn't bother her.

"What's up, Mally?" Cilia asked, leaning against the doorframe of the closet.

Mallory was flipping through article upon article of clothing. Cilia assumed she was looking for something to wear at dinner. Her parents were coming over. This was the only reason Cilia was cooking anyway. If the Holts' weren't coming over, Cilia would've just made Ramen noodles for everything. Cilia didn't consider it cooking if it took less than ten minutes to make.

"Oh, hey. Change of plans. My parents have some church meeting today with Pastor Graham, so dinner is rescheduled for next week. We're going clubbing instead." Mallory explained.

"Dude, it's Tuesday." Cilia said in disbelief. Only someone like Mallory was choose a Tuesday as a party hard night.

"So? C'mon, Cil. Melany already agreed." Mallory tried to convince her best friend, but it was hard to persuade Cilia to do anything, really.

"No way. The last time we partied, bad things happened." Cilia said in reference to the problem with Gavin. Mallory still didn't know that the two slept together and Cilia didn't plan on telling her. Mallory would flip her shit and Cilia didn't need that kind of excitement in her life again.

"So you got a little drunk and slept in a random bedroom. It happens. That's the life of a normal college student, babes. It's fine. Please just go with us. It's no fun without you." Mallory whined, pulling on Cilia's hand to try to annoy her into saying yes.

"Okay, okay. Get off me, slug." Cilia joked, trying to break free from the hug that Mallory had just engulfed her with.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the bestest friend ever." Mallory clapped, going back to her closet to find something to wear.


"Michaela!" Mallory yelled as soon as Cilia pulled up to the club.

The bass was booming from outside the building and luckily enough, there was no line. She didn't expect there to be considering the day of the week.

While Michaela and Mallory were doing their own thing (some jumping up and down thing), Melany and Cilia were unloading themselves from the car.

"You look really pretty tonight, Cil." Melany complimented her ex-girlfriend. Cilia blushed.

She was getting invested in Melany's company again. If Melany hadn't have shown up, Cilia would be in an okay mental state, but sadly for her, Melany was still here, even two weeks later and it was really taking a toll on Cilia's emotions.

"Thanks. Um, let's go." Cilia mumbled, not daring to even look Melany in the eyes.

"C'mon Cilia! I missed you." Michaela yelled after her cousin and thus the partying began.


They had barely been at The Strip for an hour and already Michaela and Mallory were drunk off their asses.

"I had dream that I canoodled with Benjamin Franklin!" Michaela slurred, swinging her arms around and around.

Cilia had not had a lick to drink. She'd only been drinking water. After all, she was the designated driver. Melany drank a little bit, but not enough to be as drunk as tweedledee and tweedledumb over there.

"Jesus, guys. You are fucking wasted." Cilia groaned, trying to pick her best friend up as Melany got Michaela.

"She's a stick. Why is she so fucking heavy?" Melany asked, pulling Michaela by her legs. If it wasn't for the fact that her cousin was wearing pants, Cilia was sure that Melany would look up her skirt.

"I, um, I don't know." Cilia mumbled. Her chest was tightening up and her stomach was twisting in knots. Her legs started wobbling and one minute she was helping her friend and the next she was the passed out one.


Cilia eyes fluttered open. The fluorescent lights were on full blast and her head hurt. She slowly got up out of bed and noticed her attire. What was originally a grey cocktail dress had turned to a hospital gown. She was in the fucking hospital. Why the hell was she in the hospital? She couldn't remember anything from last night. She couldn't even tell if it happened last night or if it was still night.

"Ms. Malik, you're awake!" a peppy cheerful greeted Cilia. She couldn't recognize the voice, so it definitely wasn't Mallory.

Cilia turned her head to be faced with a young woman in scrubs. Her nurse, presumably. Her name tag said Eden.

"I'll go get Dr. Stone and he'll give you your diagnosis. Would you like me to send your friends in? They've been waiting all night." Eden smiled, asking her patient.

Cilia's mouth was too dry to speak, so she simply nodded and watched as the nurse walked out to get her doctor.

Not even a minute later, the comfortable silence became utter chaos. All her friends piled in all at once as her doctor, Dr. Stone as Eden said, appeared.

"Good morning, Ms. Malik. We have your test results. You were in and out for most of the night, but we ran some tests and we can confirm that you are two and half weeks pregnant. Congratulations!"

It was then that Cilia's whole world would change around.

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