A/N: I had the baby!

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No clickbait, I promise.

I just had my baby boy yesterday at 3:45am. His name is Wyatt Matthew James Francino. It was the father's idea to make one of his middle names James since his last name is close to Franco and the dad is obsessed with James Franco.

It was the worst yet best experience of my life. The birth was horrible, though it only lasted a few hours compared to how long it took for my mother to have me. My labor was half the time of hers.

The contractions were utterly horrible and I had to get the epidural, but either way, I still have Wyatt in my life now. He is the love of my life.

The father and I are obviously not together and more so friends, but we are living together and co-parenting. My girlfriend also lives with us and will be helping out with Wyatt.

We don't get to go home until tomorrow, but I'm still so excited. My girlfriend, Fatima, has just been so supportive of Ben and I. Ben has also just been such an amazing dad even before Wyatt was born and he's been there for me since day one. I don't know what I'd without them. They're my rocks.

And thank you to the Wattpad community, specifically:
who have all wishes their luck and congratulated me or my pregnancy and/or birth. Thank you to everyone for their wishes.

Now marks the journey of a lifetime. I am now a mother.

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