🐶Chapter 4: Feelings

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Above has nothing to do with the chapter it's just so darn 💖💖!!

2 days after Henry did the impossible... he's been avoiding his job making up excuses such as "Piper's sick", "I'm studying", or his all favorite " I'm naked, can't talk bye!" Either way it goes Henry was scared out of his mind to face Charlotte, afraid she wouldn't feel the same or worse be put in the ultimate friend zone. Of course he's already a friend but nothing's worse than being friend zoned by a friend you like. But as if God or luck may have it a old lady was pushed down the Swell-Well and needed rescuing. So Henry had no choice but to run as fast as he could to Junk-N-Stuff and plummet down to the man cave.
H: I'm here let's go
R: Finally you're here
Both look over and see Charlotte down the tubes.
R: ...*ahem* *cough* I'll leave you two alone.
H: Wait I thought a old lady needed help.
R: I lied...bye
With that being said Ray walked away leaving Henry and Charlotte in a very awkward situation.
C:um well this is awkward
H: yeah
C: Henry?...
H: yes Charlotte
C: Is our friendship over?
H: *looking surprised* No! Why would you think that??
C: Because after you kissed me you've been avoiding me as if kissing me was a mistake.
H: Charlotte it wasn't a mistake. I enjoyed kissing you even though it was on the cheek.
C: * cute girly giggle*
H: *Blushes* But I was um wondering if I could...I don't know... maybe kiss you? Again?
C: I think that can be arranged.
Henry surged up all his confidence, grabbed Char by her waist and softly planted his lips on her lips. Her lips were soft and tasted of her Kiwi lip gloss. He pulled away. Looking into her eyes he saw many emotions, but he saw a beautiful twinkle in her eyes. In that moment he knew she just wasn't a kiss like Bianca or Chloe or even Veronica. Charlotte Bolton was something more. Something he's to scared to admit.

Ok ok I know this chapter's short but final exams are up so pray for me. #studyhardordietrying
~Sora Delon~💖

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