Jungkook Holding His Newborn Baby

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It had been a long 6 hours you had spent in labor with your first child. Your husband, Jeon Jungkook had been at a radio station in an interview for the majority of the time until the broadcaster told him the news. He was freaking out so much to the point that he started to cry. Jin and Taehyung had tried to calm him down but it didn't work. The only thing that would calm him down was seeing you and his baby. The gender was a surprise to him and only to him. You had told the rest of the boys and made them swear on their lives that they wouldn't tell him. They knew better than to go against your wishes.

"Miss, your husband has arrived." The midwife peeked her head into the room before a familiar face entered the room quietly.

"(y/n)! Are you okay?! It wasn't too hard was it?" Jungkook asked. You laughed and reached out for his hand.

"Haven't had the baby yet, Kookie." You smiled. He let out a sigh of relief and pulled up a chair. Just as he rested a hand on your baby bump, a painful contraction coursed through your body. He withdrew his hand quickly, thinking he had hurt you.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? I'm sorry!" He apologized, afraid to touch you. You did a round of breathing exercises before grabbing his hand again.

"You didn't hurt me, Jungkookie. That was just a contraction." You sighed, closing your eyes. He sighed with you, leaning in to kiss your forehead.

"Good. I thought I did something. Can I get you anything to help?" He asked eagerly. He was being so good and it made you want to cry. He was gonna be such a good daddy.

"You see that cup right there? Those are ice chips. Could you feed me some? I can't have any liquids and I'm thirsty." You asked, your head resting on his bicep. He nodded and reached for the cup, almost dropping it from the nerves. He took a few pieces of ice from the cup and brought them up to your mouth, letting you suck them in. You let the ice chips melt in your mouth, swallowing the small amount of water that followed them. You sighed and closed your eyes, trying to relax before the next contraction.

"How much longer?" Jungkook asked impatiently. He really wanted to meet his little boy or little girl.

"Shouldn't be much longer. I think I should take this time to warn you, because I know you might take what I say seriously. I'm gonna be in a lot of pain when I start to push. Whatever I say to you isn't true. Know that I love you no matter what I say. My pain is not your fault." You explained, knowing how sensitive Jungkook could get at times. He nodded and kissed your cheek.

"I'm prepared for it." He smiled at you.

After a few hours, you were fully dilated and ready to start pushing. You held on tight to Jungkook's hand as the doctor told you to breath.

"Okay, (y/n). On my count. 1... 2... 3, push!" The doctor instructed. You pushed with all your strength, screaming as you felt your baby start to move down. It hurt so much. Jungkook never left your side. He held your hand, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

"It's gonna be okay, baby. You're doing so great. All this pain will be for a good cause."

"Shut up!! This is all your fault!!" You screamed as you pushed again, taking Jungkook by surprise. He knew that you didn't mean it so he kept talking, rubbing your shoulder with his free hand.

After another hour of pushing, you both heard the cry of your baby.

"Congratulations! It's a sweet, little girl." The midwife announced with a smile. Jungkook's face lit up at the news. He looked at you to see your reaction.

"Go see her. Stay with her, Kookie." You sighed, catching your breath. Jungkook walked over to the doctor and the midwife, watching as they cleaned your little girl. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Would you like to cut the cord, sir?" The midwife asked, offering a pair of scissors to Jungkook. He looked over at you as if asking you for permission. You smiled and nodded.

"Okay." He smiled. Jungkook took the scissors and the doctor showed him where to cut. He snipped the cord and watched as the midwife wrapped your baby girl in a pink blanket.

"Here's your baby, sir. We'll leave you two alone with her for a few minutes." The doctor and the midwife left, leaving you alone with Jungkook and the baby.

"Bring her here, Kookie." You smiled. When he turned around you saw that he had started to cry. Tears fell from his eyes and silent sobs racked is body.

"Aww. Kookie, what's wrong?" You giggled as he walked over to you slowly.

"She's so small. She's so beautiful. She's mine. My daughter. I can't believe this." He choked on his sobs. You rubbed his bicep to calm him down.

"Let me see her." You reached out for her. Jungkook gently placed her in your arms and wiped away his tears. You looked at her lovingly as her daddy played with her tiny hands. He gasped when she latched onto his thumb, not letting him go.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Daddy isn't going anywhere." You cooed to the small baby in your arms. He leaned down to kiss her head, taking in her scent. He never wanted to forget it.

"She smells so nice." He smiled.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and the hyungs piled into the room.

"Jungkookie is a daddy now! I don't believe this! The baby had a baby!" Taehyung exclaimed. Namjoon nudged him, silently telling V to be quiet.

"So, you know what it is now, huh, Kookie?" Jimin asked with a smile.

"We all wanted to tell you but (y/n) made us swear that we wouldn't." Jin added in.

Jungkook detached himself from his baby girl's grip and went to hug the hyungs. They all joined in, patting the new daddy on the back. The only one that wasn't in the group hug was Yoongi. He had a secret love for babies and wanted to see her. He sat in Jungkook's chair and gazed at her.

"Hey, Kookie! She's got your bunny nose!" He laughed.

"Ah! Don't say that! My nose is hideous. Besides, she looks more like her mother anyway." Jungkook said, smiling at you.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Suga on this one, Jungkook." You laughed, kissing your baby girl's bunny nose.

"Let me get a look at the little one." Taehyung said, coming over to the bed and looking over your arm into the mound of blankets.

"I think that's a baby Kookie. She looks just like him!" V said. Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jin crowded around the bed to get a better look at the new arrival.

"Yeah. She is the spitting image of her daddy." Hoseok said, wrapping an arm over Jungkook's shoulders. He looked shy as he watched you dote over your baby girl.

"She needs a name." Jungkook spoke up. You had completely forgotten about that!

"You're right. What should we name her?"

"Mina." Jungkook said. The hyungs and you all nodded.

"I love it." You smiled, taking Jungkook's hand.

"Good. Can I, hold her some more?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course, Kookie. She's your baby just as much as she is mine. You never have to ask to hold her." You smiled. His face lit up and he reached down to take her from you. You watched as he rocked her back and forth, walking around the room. You started to tear up as he started to sing Just One Day to her. You felt Taehyung's hand on your shoulder. He smiled at you.

"Kookie's gonna be a great father." He whispered under is breath so only you could hear.

"He already is." You smiled, watching your husband sing to your baby girl without a single care in the world.

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