Surprising Jungkook on Tour with your Baby

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"Eomma!" Mina shouted from the living room. You walked in to see your 3 year old daughter staring at the television. You knew why the moment you saw it. Her daddy, Jeon Jungkook, was on the tv with his band, BTS.

"Who is that, yeon-in?" You asked with a smile.

"Appa!" She giggled, trying to hug the screen when Jungkook was shown again. You sat down on the floor and cuddled her in your lap.

"Do you miss your appa?" You asked, kissing her little bunny nose that she had inherited from the maknae.

"Yeah. Can we go see him?" She asked excitedly. You thought about it and it wasn't a bad idea. They were only in Japan which wasn't that far from Korea.

"Yeah. I'll call Namjoon Samchon to see if he can get us some tickets to go see them." You smiled. She jumped up and danced around with excitement.

"Appa, appa, appa!!!" She giggled. You laughed and sat down to watch the rest of their interview. The interviewer had asked Jungkook a question.

"So, Jungkook, between now and the last time we talked, something big has happened in your life. Care to share?"

"Oh, yes! My wife and I had our first baby. Little Mina." Jungkook smiled, thinking about his little girl.

"That's great! How old is she now?"

"She just turned three." He smiled proudly. Talking about his family filled him up with so much pride.

"He's talking about me, eomma!" Mina squealed.

"That's right, yeon-in! He misses you just as much as you miss him." You said as she climbed up into your lap.

After watching the rest of the interview, you quickly called Namjoon. He answered after the first ring.

"Hey, (y/n), what's good?" He asked.

"Nothing much. Mina and I were watching your interview and she came up with the great idea of surprising Jungkook and coming to see you guys. Do you think you could get us some tickets?"

"Of course I can! He'll love that! He's actually been really down lately so this will cheer him up." Namjoon said.

"Thank you! Don't tell him we're coming! I want it to be a surprise!" You said before hanging up the phone. Within the hour, Namjoon had sent you the flight information for the trip and the backstage passes. You spent the rest of the day preparing for the trip.

The next day, you had to board the plane to go surprise your husband. Mina kept looking out of the plane windows and counting all the buildings she could see from the clouds.

When you landed, a body guard was there to pick you up. He drove you to their venue where BTS would be performing that night. Namjoon and Taehyung met you outside.

"Samchons!!" Mina squealed, running to her uncles. Taehyung picked her up and threw her up into the air, making her laugh. Namjoon smiled and ruffled her straight, black hair.

"Hey, (y/n). It's been too long." Taehyung said, giving you a tight hug. Namjoon did the same and led you into the venue. He stopped when he saw Jungkook preparing for soundcheck. You had to hold a hand over Mina's mouth to keep her from squealing.

"We don't want appa to see us yet. We're gonna surprise him." You said to her. She nodded and kept quiet. Namjoon and Taehyung left you in the corner while they went to get Jungkook's attention.

"Hey, Kookie! C'mere for a sec!" Namjoon said. Jungkook jumped off the stage and made his way over to where Namjoon and Taehyung was standing.

"What's up?" He asked.

"So, we know you've been a little down so we got you a little something to make you feel better." Taehyung said, signaling for you to let Mina come out of hiding.

"Appa!!" She squealed, running to her father. Jungkook was taken aback by her sudden appearance. He scooped her up and held her close to him.

"Hey, jagiya! What are you doing here?! Especially without eomma?!" He asked. Now it was your turn to turn the corner. He almost dropped Mina when he saw you.

"(y/n)?!" He whimpered, handing Mina to Namjoon and running to you. He had tears in his eyes as he embraced you.

"Hello, Kookie!" You smiled, running your fingers through his hair. He sobbed into your neck, making you sigh and hug him tighter.

"I missed you so much!" He cried, not able to calm himself down. You laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Awww, Kookie. I missed you too, baby." You pulled away to wipe away his tears but that only made him cry harder.

"Would you two mind watching her for a few minutes?" You asked Namjoon and Taehyung. They shook their heads and took Mina to the stage to show her the venue. You walked with Jungkook, trying to calm him down.

"Is something the matter, Kookie?" You asked.

"I was just missing you and Mina. I kinda went into a bout of depression for a while. I needed to see you in person but I didn't want to ask you to come out. I knew that it would be hard with the little maknae and your job so I kept my feelings inside." Jungkook sniffed. You cupped his cheek and kissed him softly.

"You don't ever need to be ashamed of asking me to come see you. If I don't have time at that moment, I will make time. Actually, this was all your daughter's idea. She wanted to come see you." You said, stroking his neck. He perked up at the mention of his little maknae.


"Yup! She saw you on the tv yesterday and kept saying that she missed appa." You smiled. This made him smile.

"I love her so much." He laughed.

"You should go play with her. She wants to see you." You said, motioning to her dancing on the stage with her uncles. Now Suga, Jimin, and Jin were out with her.

"Appa! Look!! I'm you!" She said, trying to copy his Blood Sweat and Tears choreography. He laughed when she butchered the air jumps.

"Let appa help you. Suga Samchon isn't that great at it." He laughed, making his way to the stage to dance with his baby. You watched as your two favorite people danced together. Jungkook showed her what to do with her feet and she was getting better at it with every try. You felt a hand on your shoulder, making you turn around to face Hoseok.

"When were you gonna tell your best friend that you were coming?!"

"Hobi!!" You squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry! I just got distracted by Jungkook and Mina that I completely forgot to come find you!" You smiled. He looked at the stage, seeing your daughter and husband dancing.

"Damn, she got big!" He smiled.

"Yup! She looks more like Jungkookie everyday." You sighed. J-Hope smiled and grabbed your hand, taking you up to the stage.

"What are you doing?!"

"Taking you on the stage." He laughed.

You spent the remainder of the day dancing and singing with BTS, loving the way your husband looked at and admired your daughter. You were so glad that you had come out to see him.

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