Father's Day (Jungkook)

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  "Mina, wake up, baby. It's Father's Day. We have to make breakfast for Appa." You whispered softly in your daughter's ear as you rubbed her back to wake her up. She groaned and turned over to face you.

  "Can we make pancakes and sausage?" She asked sleepily, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. You smiled and kissed her bunny nose.

  "Of course we can, baby. C'mon! Let's hurry before Appa wakes up." You chuckled, picking her up and placing her chubby feet on the floor. She waddled behind you, peeking into your room to see Jungkook still sleeping.

  "I love Appa, so much." She whispered, smiling fondly at her sleeping father through the crack in the door. You smiled at her and cuddled her close.

  "Me too, baby girl. Appa loves you more than anything. What does he call you?" You smiled as you carried her into the kitchen.

  "His shining star!" She giggled, cuddling her stuffed bunny.

  "That's right, baby! Now let's make some pancakes!" You smiled, grabbing her step stool and putting it out for her.

  About half way through the cooking process, you could hear your bedroom door close and feet coming down the stairs. Mina gasped and ran to the base of the stairs, trying to block Jungkook's view of the kitchen.

  "No! Go back to bed, Appa!" She whined as Jungkook smiled, scooping her up into his arms.

  "What's wrong, honey bear? Were you doing something for me?" Jungkook chuckled as she covered his eyes.

  "Yeah..." She sighed, taking her hands away and burying her face in his neck. Jungkook looked over at you and smiled. You walked over and placed a reassuring hand on her back.

  "It's okay, baby girl. Appa can see." You smiled, kissing your husband and mumbling 'Happy Father's Day' against his lips. He held Mina close to his chest and followed you into the kitchen.

  "What did you have planned, shining star?" He smiled as he set her on the counter.

  "Pancakes and sausage..." She muttered, kicking her feet.

  "Mmm!! How did you know that was my favorite?" He smiled wide, peppering her face with kisses to make her laugh. She giggled and wrapped her little arms around his neck.

  "Magic!" She smiled.

  "Well I appreciate it, baby. Thank you so much." He smiled, hugging her close. You served him a plate and set it on the counter before serving Mina and yourself.

  "Come eat. Put her in her chair, please, Guk?" You asked as Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist.

  "Yes ma'am." He whispered, placing a kiss on your neck before going to get Mina situated. You cut up her breakfast before placing it on her tray.

  "Thank you, Eomma." She smiled, sticking her finger in her syrup. Jungkook made his way back over to you, pulling you into his chest and kissing you. You melted into his touch, smiling against his lips.

  "How did I get so lucky?" He chuckled. You rubbed his bare chest softly before looking up at him.

  "I don't know but I hope your ready to be an Appa again." You smiled up at him, laughing as his face changed.

  "Are you kidding?!" He gasped, smiling wide as you shook your head. He twirled you around the kitchen and kissed you again.

  "I hope you don't mind waiting for your Father's Day gift." You giggled. He laughed and held you tight.

  "I don't care!" He sighed, tears dropping onto your shoulder. You laughed and placed a hand on the back of his head.

  "You don't need to cry, baby. Happy Father's Day. We all love you with all our hearts." You smiled against his neck.

  "Thank you for making me a father. I love you more than anything." He sighed, holding you tighter.

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