The Argument

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"Hey, did you remember to sign the zoning packets for our transfer?" Kirsten inquired over her laptop screen. "Yes, before we moved, but I'm not sure how we're going to find them in this mess," I laughed, gesturing to the piles upon piles of boxes all around us. "What do you mean, "this mess"?" Kirsten demanded. "I asked you to put them away this morning anyway!" I scoffed, "Why do you always blame it on me?" I exclaimed. And Kirsten retorted with "You were lounging on the couch eating twizzlers and watching Sherlock!" Dang you, Moriarty, I thought. "Yeah, but you were there too!" I proclaimed. "Doing OUR finances. For OUR new house! That's it!" Kirsten screamed. "I'm going to bed!" "Fine!" I yelled back. As soon as her retreating figure disappeared completely, I slumped down onto one of our unpacked kitchen chairs.
"You should go talk to her," said a voice from behind me, one that was definitely not Kirsten's. "What?" I asked, turning around. "You shouldn't let such little things blow up like that," The voice said, which seemed to be attached to a slightly shimmery man holding a platter of churros. "Who are you?" I inquired, propping my feet up on the kitchen table. "I'm one of your new neighbors, in house 8675309," He stated, as if it was obvious. "That's all," with that he set down the tray of churros and left before I could even ask his name.

Who's the man?
Why was he shimmery?
Guess you'll have to keep reading 😉

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