chapter 14 marriage!! part 2; Unexpected

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{Btw the picture is not related to this chapter. It's just for the LOL'S}

Alexa P.OV

  The  smell of wet soil of the mountain filled my nose and the cracking sound of  twigs from the ground echoing in my ear. Then a vague picture in my head appear. It became clearer and clearer by the second.

  The kyōso head village, Hitachi he wore a silk detailed kimono and his assistant Daikin wore the same kimono except he wore a darker shade.

They are going down a foggy  path in the mountains riding their horses in the forest towards our village.

   They brought their swords and what it appears to be flowers..? From what it looks like... they are 3 to 4 kilometers away from our village.

  The good thing is they didn't brought an army, so they are not declaring a fight with us, but then... why would they hurt our messenger?

   I closed my eyes and relaxed my temples. I open my eyes I see Yoon and Shin-ha. My heart race a thousand miles per hour

Wha- what is wrong with me??

  My face heats up, flustered when shin-ha tild his head in confusion. "Alexa are you okay, your face is redder that a tomato. "

"I'm okay..." I bit my lips and look downward

  If I look at him again I'll probably die from his cuteness.

"So." Yoon questions

"So what?" I return the question

"So what did you see?" Yoon pointed out

  I snap I fingers to my eye level, so that's what meant. He should really be more specific.

"Well.. Do you guys want to hear the good news first of the bad news?" I rose my right eyebrow

"Bad.." Shin-ha murmured

"Well the bad thing is.. The head of the kyōso village is coming. The good news is that they didn't brought an army with them"

"Well that's a relive, but. Why did he have to injured the messenger though."

"I don't know either, but it could be someone of something else that hurt him, y'know"

  We both squint our eyes and place a finger on our chin. Thinking. The sound of wind rustling on the background and crickets making its annoying sound. I adverts my eyes to shin-ha who is having difficulty joining our conversation.

Third P.O.V

  Yoon noticed shin-ha and Alexa eyes meet. He thinks that the love birds should have some time alone before the head of the kyōso village come. Who knows what will they do.

  Yoon then left. Leaving Alexa and shin-ha alone under a tree. Shin-ha looked down from the embarrassment of being alone with Alexa. As the  sound of tree rustling filled their ears. And the wind flew from north to south. Shin-ha mustered up some courage and looked up to see Alexa hair swaying in the wind.

  Their eyes meet in spilt second. Alexa gave him a warm smile in this cold night. She thought of bringing shin-ha to pay her friends a visit in the woods. So she asked.

The Water Phoenix { akatsuki no yona} Shin-ha X OCWhere stories live. Discover now