Chapter 6

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"Lilly!! Wait up!!!" Declan yells as I run out of school. I'm in a huge rush
I need to be somewhere.

I keep running faster and faster. I'm a really fast runner but declan was able to get me.
"Why are you running away from me???" He asks

"I'm not trying to avoid you, I just need to be somewhere" I say and sigh.

"Oh okay I'll come with-" his phone goes off and checks his message "never mind I need to go somewhere too byeeee" he yells bye because he's already running off.

I run straight home and get changed into a Nike sports bra and short gym shorts and start running through the streets. I enter a ghetto neighbour hood. Most of my friends are black. I go up to Carlos and he asked me where Iv been.

"I got caught up in something" I say
"Fine get up it's your turn in like 5 minutes" he says with a puff.

We get in his car and drive to an ally way. It looked like a normal alleyway but there was a door at the end.

"Password?" A man says
"Switsouski" Carlos says and we rush inside.
I pass all my friends and we go that cool handshake thing? Idk what it's called.

"Go get em!" Hound dog says. Your wondering? Who would call there child hound dog? I don't know. That's not his actual name. Know one knows his actual name so we just call him that because he growls like a dog when mad.

Carlos pats my back and pushes me into the ring.
If you haven't catched on. I'm a street fighter it's a secret place though. About 50 people come to the events I know most of em. Even though Iv only been here for 4 weeks.

Street fighting is illegal in some counties. Most counties to be exact. But the thing is "worst of all" I vs guys. Not many girl cage fighters do it.

I get up into the ring and I'm vsing a new person. I'm gonna cut him some slack and let him take first hit. I mouth "first hit" and he nods.

He goes for my jaw and I dodge and let him to another hit. He goes for a round house punch and punches my temple. Ouch NOT!.

This is where I do my magic.
I step forward. He steps back. Good boy
I keep stepping forward he keeps stepping back until he is in a corner. I grin and start punching really fast for like like 10 seconds then I step back. He falls to the ground unconscious and the crowd goes off.

The room goes quiet? 10 guys walk in. Wearing masks.
People start whispering
"The lost boys"
Who's that??

The guys walk forward and see me in the lights
"Lilly??" One says
I know that voice. I just can't remember who?

"Lilly get down please" Carlos says worried?
Iv never seen him worried
"What's going on?" I ask him
"It's the lost boys" he says with fear in a whisper.
"Why are you scared?" I ask
"They are dangerous" he states

Are they like a gang of something?
I walk forward people watching me in shock.
"Do I know you?" I ask curious
They say nothing.
"She's got a death wish" someone whispers
"Lilly don't push they're buttons" Carlos says and tried to pull me back but I wave him off.

"Hello???" I say. They are all there in silence looking at me.
"Take a picture it'll last longer" I say and smirk.
One guy gets his phone out
"Put it away de-" he shuts his mouth straight away.
"Outside. Now" I say sternly

"Did you follow me?"
They say nothing
"I know it's you guys." I say in a bored tone.

They still say nothing so I pull a mask off one of em before they could grab my arm.
"New it" I say and smirk as I'm looking at pheonix.
Then they all remove their masks

"What are you doing there?!?" Declan half shouts at me.
"What did it look like?" I ask in a duh tone
"What were u doing there?" I ask them
"We were going to make some money" when pheonix said money I remember I had to get my money so I leave them standing there and head inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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