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You fear rejection

Not from me but from your phony friends

You like me but you’ve turned me into target practice

Look you're breaking my heart already when nothing's began

You're a fucking robot.  

You deny it by acting stronger than you are 

and yeah

You’re supposed to be Mr. Tough Wrestling Man

But you’re not strong at all

You're just a highschool boy 

You let people step all over you

I don’t need a boy like that

I need a man

a prideful, strong, optimistic being

Not someone who is afraid to shine

because a bully called ''friend' says he can't



Maybe I can save you from all of this

I believe in you all you need is belief

You’re such a prize why can’t you see that

You don’t need them

They put you down everyday

And on each of those days I hope that their hate makes you realize that you need me

I know I sound over my head but

You don’t know how strong we could be together

I want that one moment with you that could change our lives

And I know the feeling is mutual

Please don’t change your mind you’re all I’ve got.

I just don’t want to me alone anymore

I’m so lost and I need someone

I need your help

But what if you’re not who I think you are?

And it scares me that you have the power to do whatever you want with me which includes breaking my heart.

Where are all these emotions coming from?


Because you're probably not even worth my time

I hope you know you're not the only guy in the world

And don't forget people are a reflection of their friends and family

You fuckhead

You're not even my first love

or the best love

In fact I don't feel love at all

and I wish I could let you know that

I can at any instant make the decision not to like you

I don’t have to stick around if I don’t want to

I don’t have to bend to you

And I don’t 



Gravitate toward you

You’ve got this magnetism

That could almost make me say 'I love you' but I know I don’t

You got me lying to myself

Got me catchin’ feelin’s

You leave every type of smile on my face

The things I imagine

Things I can only dream of

You drive me wild

And you can have me

There’s no shame in that

But there's a problem

[go back to start]

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