
92 9 4

I don't know how I feel right now

I just realized I've been bullied.

That's a lie, I've been bullied for a while now.

They label me

"The quietest girl of the year."

"What is that?"

"Dude, she's a virgin."

"Yeah but dat shit around her mouf,""

Imagine what else they say

I'm excluded

but that didn't matter because

you were there.


exciting, and new


But the monkeys are on your back

I understand

I just never thought you'd tag along

You made me feel worth it

then you push me in the mud.

Funny, they watch

They tell you they want worse

You pretend to punch me

but it still hurts

It's fake intension, but 

it's still intended

All of what I knew of you dwindled

Now I am truly excluded.

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