My Life Is A Waffle

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We were going out in the pouring rain and my tiny umbrella wasn't sturdy and I had a waffle with syrup in my other hand. I tried to open the car door but the wind was blowing my umbrella. My dad just got in the car without helping me. I opens the car door but my waffle fell all over my clothes and onto the flooded ground, I told him to hold up and I picked up the waffle off the ground The rain water was in my eyes and in my hair. He just got out of the car and slammed the door. The syrup was all over me. He just went in the house. I go with him and ask what he's doing. He says he's not doing this shit and that I'm dragging my feet and I try to tell him about my waffle and how I got it all over me but he screams at me telling me that its just a fuckin waffle. And to me, at that that moment, sensitive, and overwhelmed, this waffle represents my life. Its sticky, it has holes, its soggy and not even half done, its just hit the floor. But its just a 'fuckin waffle'. Just gotta get over it, right?

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