Jacie Landon

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Hey demigods! This is my first fanfic, so comments\questions\concerns are absolutely welcome. I hope you think this story is amaZHANG!

Hellooo! I'm Jacie Landon, valedictorian, genius, and all around awesome gal at Pine Academy! Pine Academy is the only High school in my teeny tiny hometown, right smackdown in the middle of nowhere, otherwise known as rural America.

Because of my genius, I'm not too popular at Pine. My theory is the dumber you get, your social status climbs even higher.

Anyway, today in homeroom, Mrs. Tennyson announced some surprising news:

"Today we will be accepting two new students into our class. Let me introduce to you, Thalia Grace and Annabeth Chase! Jacie will be showing them around today as they all have the same schedule ."

Oh. Okay then!

Thalia was a tall pale girl with dark makeup, cold, stormy, blue eyes, combat boots, a leather jacket, and a strange silver circlet around her head. She definitely has the punk look down.

Annabeth looked a lot like your stereotypical California teen. Long blonde princess curls, a lean, muscular build, and a tan that made it look like she lived on the beach. The only thing that made me look twice was her intense, calculating, gray eyes. I could tell Annabeth hid a high IQ being her Valley Girl facade. The weird thing was, I have eyes very similar to that shade and appearance.

"Um...okay, welcome to Pine Academy, I'm Jacie Landon, resident genius at your service!"

Annabeth raised an eyebrow at this statement. Thalia just rolled her eyes muttering about how horrible school is.

============le time skip=======\\==

As I sat down for lunch with the new students I asked Annabeth,

"What do you think of the school so far?"

" Meh, it's okay, it could be better, but I like the teachers. Not so much the students, though. "

Hmm... Exactly what I think everyday at this school.

"Yeah, I totally agree. Some people are okay, just not the boys, I don't like boys. I am never dating ever!" I replied.

Thalia's eyes suddenly it up. She and Annabeth looked at each other knowingly.

"Jacie," Annabeth said, " Come with us after school, we have something to tell you...'

=======time skip brought to you by Monster Donut™!========

As soon as the bell rang, I rushed to the senior parking lot. I searched the sea of old and rusty cars, for Annabeth and Thalia. I finally spotted them standing by a new looking silver Cadillac.

"Nice car," I exclaimed when I got to the girls, " What did you want to tell me? "

"Follow me," said Annabeth, as she tucked a really long, really sharp pencil in her back pocket. Strange. We then proceeded to sneak into the empty home Ec classroom.

" Jacie, have you ever met your mother? "Annabeth asked.

" No, she died during labor, why is that important? "

"Jacie, have you ever heard of the Greek Gods?" I nodded. "Well, they're real. Alive and still having children with mortals, " said Annabeth.

"Jacie, we have reasons to believe that you are a demigod, probably a daughter of Athena, like Annabeth here," said Thalia.

Suddenly, before I could get over my shock, a gray light shone over me.


"Okay so it has been confirmed, you are definitely the daughter of Athena!" Annabeth claimed, "Let's take you to Camp before any monsters can hunt you down."

Annabeth then whistled a very loud and clear melody . CRASH! A huge winged horse, Pegasus I believe they are called, busted through the roof with a guy on the animal's back.

"Hey Wise Girl! You called? " said the very handsome guy, as he slid off the pegasus.

"Obviously, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth said, " Jacie here just got claimed by Athena, and we need to take her to Camp! "

"Okay!" Seaweed Brain said. He then leaned over and kissed Annabeth on the cheek. She smiled.

"No we cannot stop for donuts Blackjack!" He said, "Oh, hi! I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and the boyfriend of a certain amazing Annabeth Chase!" Annabeth blushed.

" What? How? Huh? I'm so confuzzled! " I cried.

"Don't worry!" Percy said, " You'll get over the shock soon enough. Percy then whistled a different melody and a white Pegasus flew in through the hole in the roof.

"Okay, so Annabeth and I will ride on Blackjack," Percy said, featuring towards the all black Pegasus behind him, " And Jacie and Thalia will ride on Guido. " Thalia looked like she was about to cry but it was apparent that she was trying to pull herself together.

"It'll be fine Pinecone Face!" Percy assured her.

" Kelp Head!"

"My favorite cousin!"

" My favorite cousin! "

"Enough! Come on guys we have to go before we attract monsters!" Annabeth said as she climbed into Blackjack.

-------------=======----- dam time skip===**(#;#:+$(@:+#8

Three years later

I am now in the Hunters of Artemis after Thalia sat down with me and convinced to join. It was probably the best decision I ever made. I like immortality. Through the years I have now been promoted to Thalia's right hand woman. Every once in a while we visit camp and I Get to meet with Percabeth and the Athena cabin. I am so happy for that one day when I had to show our "new students" around Pine Academy!

Well, that was fun! Pop quiz:

What is the first Greek monster Percy ever killed?

Ciao for now!


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