Amelie Hype and Brody Kisinger part 2

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Boring disclaimer yada yada I don't own PJO\HOO but Amelie and Brody are mine

Amelie's p.o.v.

I am so excited for the gala! I have decided that this event would be the perfect time to tell Percy I love him! It will be hard to resist as I look fantastic

My makeup is also perfectly fine and I'm wearing all the right perfume, shoes, and jewelry! We are supposed to meet up at Central Park and as I sit in the back of the taxi, I contemplate the meaning of life.... No not really. I just think about how awesome and perfect Percy is for me. What should our ship name be? Amery? Pemelie? I'll have to think about that.

"Southern Entrance of Central Park, is that right ma'am?" The cabbie asks.

" Yes. That's the right place! "

"That'll be $20 miss."

I give the money to the driver and exit the, walking to the place where Monica said to meet.

"Hey Amelie! Over here!" I hear Monica's voice yell. I search the trees for my friends. Aha! There they are!

"Hey guys!" I pant as I run as fast as I can in 6 inch heels.

"Hey Am," a chorus of voices say back to me.

"Are you ready to go?" Percy asks, looking absolutely dashing in his tux.

"Yep!" I say back to him.

" Alright, let's go! " says Monica as she whistles for a cab.

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Brody's P.O.V.


As soon as we got to the heart of the city, we checked into the Plaza Hotel. When we first walked inside, Annabeth didn't look very happy about the hotel. By the time we got to put room, she was sobbing, wailing, and gripping her shoulder tightly. I looked at Luna and Carly for answers and they Shrugged. I decided not to ask Annabeth what was up. Last time she cried, when I tried to comfort her, she punched me in the gut and slapped me upside the head. As we were about to go to bed Max, Bill, and I went to the girls' room to say goodnight and we saw Carly and Luna huddled around Annabeth trying to comfort her. I hope she is okay. I don't think she's ever been to New York so I don't know why she is crying about it.

After Staying in NYC for a night, it was finally the day of the gala!
I was going to confess my undying love for Annabeth tonight and I was so excited. I knew she was going to tell me she loves me as well.
  As we walked the short walk to the museum, Annabeth was telling the other girls a funny story. I am glad to see she feels better. Annabeth also looks beautiful in her Sea Green gown

  Finally, we reached the museum. As Annabeth gave the clerk our tickets, I looked up at the gala. A group of adults about our age were laughing over by the drinks. One struck me as different from the rest. He was tall, about 6'2, with striking sea green eyes, the same color as his tie and Annabeth's dress. He also had windswept black hair and a lean muscular build. What was strange about the guy, though was he had a weird aura of power. Almost similar to Annabeth. I turned away from the group as the clerk took my coat and gave me a wristband.

When I looked back, the guy was gone.

Later that evening, I went to the men's bathroom. As I walked inside, there was that dude from before. He was desperately trying to comb his hair, failing miserably.

"Hi," I said to him as I washed my hands.

" Hello, " he said, "I'm Jackson, Percy, Jackson. Who are you?"

" Me? I'm Kisinger, Brody, Kisinger. "

"Nice," he smiled. " And are you from around here Brody? "

He was really starting to intimidate me. "No, I'm from San Francisco." I replied.

" Really? Do you know Annabeth Chase? " Percy said his eyes lighting up.

"Yes. Actually she's here at this gala. Why?"

" Well, she's my-"

"PERCY!" yelled a voice. Suddenly Annabeth ran into the bathroom.

"Annabeth," I said, " you're not supposed to be in the men's bathroom!" I practically yelled at her.

"PERCY!" she yelled again.

" ANNABETH! " Percy replied.

Annabeth then ran into Percy's outstretched arms. They began to kiss NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHYYYYYYY IS THIS WORLD SO CRUEL?!?!?!?!? I was just about to win her over!

"Annabeth! I need an explanation now!" I told her.

She and Percy broke apart.
Annabeth, looking very annoyed said, "Brody, this is my wonderful fiance, Percy." She said, beaming and showing a beautiful ring.

" Annabeth we are in college we are only 25! Don't you need some time to figure out who you're gonna be with for the rest of your life? "

"Please! I've known Percy for 13 years, I think I've made the right decision!" Annabeth scoffed and stormed out of the room dragging Percy behind her, him glaring at me. I gulped and sulk  out of the restroom slowly. As I walk out, I notice a woman who looked about my age sitting on the fancy bench outside of the men's bathroom. She was holding a champagne flute in one hand and a regular water glass in the other. She had obviously been using the glass to listen to the conversation through the walls. She was also silently crying. I sat down next to her, tears pouring down my face.

"You liked Annabeth, I am assuming?" She asked, still crying.

" Yes, " I said, "and you liked Percy?"

" Yeah, I guess that's all over now. Has getting married. Married. " she said her sobs getting louder. " I'm Amelie Hype, by the way. I study Marine Biology at Columbia with Percy. "

"Brody Kisinger, I study Architecture at Stanford with Annabeth."

"Ah well, I guess they just weren't right for us. I mean come on, have you felt that strange vibe around both of them?" Amelie inquired.

" Yeah, it's weird, " I reply. I looked over at the dance floor. Annabeth and Percy were slow dancing. Annabeth's head was resting on Percy's chest and he was stroking her hair.

"They are an adorable couple though," Amelie said, "they seem perfect for each other."

" I suppose so, " I reply.

I look over at Amelie, she really was beautiful. Good Personality too.
"May I have this dance?" I ask her. She nods and we go to the dance floor.

Amelie's P.o.v.

To quote one of my favorite books ever, The Fault in Our Stars, " I fell in love with love with him the same way you fall asleep: slowly and then all at once. " Brody was handsome, charming, smart, and kind. To clarify, I thought he was awesome.

5 months later

I am so happy! We got the invitation for Percabeth's wedding a couple of months ago and now today is the day!

After Annabeth and Percy officially got married, it was time to throw the bouquet. All the women gathered behind Annabeth as she launched the flowers into the air. Smack! Right into my hands! I glance over at Brody and he smiled and pulls out a velvet little box...

Amelie and Brody: "and that's how I met Percabeth!"

Whew! That was long 1253 words! I hope you liked it though!

Ciao for now!


Quiz time!
To whom did Isabelle Lightwood say, "No less than seven inches," when referring to her heels?

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