Amelie Hype and Brody Kisinger

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Hello! I sadly, do not own any of the HOO characters or plot. But, I do own Amelie and other made up people! Enjoy!

Amelie's p.o.v.

"Hey guys!" My friend Monica says as we walk to the Starbucks across the Columbia campus. We all just got out of our marine biology class for our masters degree courses and we were hungry.

    My group of friends consists of Jayda, Sam, Monica, and Percy. Percy is the best guy I've ever met, he has windswept black hair , sea green eyes, and a great percy-nality. Ha ha ha get it? Never mind. Anyways, I also have a HUGE crush on him, and I'm waiting for the perfect time to confess my love for him.

"Amelie!" Monica says , snapping me out of my reverie.

" Yes?" I say, annoyed.

"Did you hear what I said?" I shake my head. Monica rolls her eyes at Percy, who chuckles. " I said, my dad got us all tickets to go to the gala to celebrate the opening of the Greek Artifacts exhibit! "
  Monica's dad, who is the Curator of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, can do stuff like that.

"Can any of you guys go?" Asked Monica.

"Probably," said Jayda and Sam, who were twins.

"Definitely," exclaimed Percy, flashing a dazzling smile.

"Of course," I say, " I'll go if you guys go! "

"Great! I'll tell my dad!" Said Monica , pulling out her phone to text her father.

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Brody's p.o.v.

"Oh my gods! Guys guess what?" Said my totally awesome crush, Annabeth Chase, to my friends and I: Max, Carly, Luna, and Bill.

" What? " we all say in unison as we walk to our next architecture class. We are all getting out masters degrees here at Stanford

"My late mother's friend, Mr Brunner got us tickets to go to New York! He'll also take us  on a tour of the city and we Get to go to a gala at the Metropolitan museum of art!"

" Wow, " I said, stunned, "that's really nice of him!"

" Yeah, " Annabeth said, "and we don't have to pay for any of it!"

"That is a really long flight," said Luna.

" I know right? San Francisco to New York, that's looong. " said the ever obvious Bill.

"Well, I have a good friend who live in NYC, so I'm extra ecstatic!" Exclaimed a rarely happy Annabeth.

what's gonna happen? Are the two groups going to collide? Are Amelie and Brody going to find out about Percabeth? So much suspense! Read on...

Anyway congrats to WolvesBooksEquality For answering the question correctly! Blue cookies to you!!!!

Another question... Who is you godly parent and who are you the legacy of. Also what's your Hogwarts house? It can be an original or hybrid house.

My Answers:

Daughter of Poseidon

Legacy of Hermes

I'm in Slytherin, but my hybrid is Gryfferin (Gryffindor and Slytherin)

Ciao for now!


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