It Will Always Be NaoKo

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Kotoko is stunned after hearing that Hiro wants to marry her.....she couldn't believe her ears or eyes.....her mind wanders to how such a handsome rich star with such a big house is proposing to her......but is quickly snapped out of her dreams when she hears Hiro's voice. " Kotoko ....Kotoko...are you alright??" he asked concerned. That's when Kotoko came back to her senses and realized what was happening.......she more like shouted "No....noooooo....Noo....I will never marry you....I always loved Irie kun....and he is the father of my daughter,....I will never leave him.....I will never marry you...never..." she shouted and stormed out of the room.

She ran out towards the elevator and pressed the button she quickly went inside and not knowing what to do...started fumbling with the floor buttons....she then decided to go to Kotomi's room...but Kotoko being Kotoko....she didn't remember which floor Kotomi was in...she pressed the 4th floor but that wasn't Kotomi's floor , then again she goes inside the lift and presses 6th floor. She finally reached Kotomi's floor and went straight to Kotomi's room to see an angel like Kotomi sleeping very peacefully. She thinks for a moment , then instantly but gently grabs Kotomi ( careful not to wake her up) and starts to go out of this huge mansion, but just as she was near the elevator Hiro gently grabs her arms and starts to gently drag her to Kotomi's room. "you cannot leave . I will give you some time to think about my proposal. That jerk doesn't deserve you. Please think about my proposal again. I can give you and Kotomi everything he can, even more much more. So please...." .He trails off by gently pushing her in Kotomi's room and locking the room from outside. All this while Kotoko was silently crying . Tears smudging her make up but she didn't care...all she could think was ....Naoki... "Irie kiun.....please save us..." was the last thing she thought before drifting off on the large bed with Kotomi.

On the other side Naoki was searching for Kotoko on the airport. After sometime Joyce calls him. "Dr Irie, we should meet....I need to talk to you" she a voice that had a hint of seductiveness. But unperturbed by her voice and having only his family in his mind ...he refused. That's when Joyce played her cards and said that she knows about Kotoko....Naoki in a flash asked where does she wants to meet him...with an angry tone. She told him the place and to meet in an hour. Naoki sat in his car and drove as fast he could to the place (a café) Joyce had told them to meet.

At the café:

Naoki is sitting on table for two, then Joyce walks in, she looks like a runway model, evident that she had spent time on her look today. But Naoki only has his family in mind. Joyce comes and sits opposite to Naoki. Without wasting even a second Naoki says "Where are they? Where are Kotoko and Kotomi? Tell me now!!" with an evident hint of anger in his voice. Then Joyce says "Don't worry they are safe and sound. Nothing will happen to them, and you will get to meet them soon, only,if ....only if...." She trails off. Which only Naoki more angry and he says " only if what?? Only if what? Tell me" he almost shouts. "only if you leave Kotoko and come to me. Marry me Dr Irie Naoki."she says with a smirk. "what!!! I will never do that. Never in my life." She shows him the divorce paper which he signed "you have already signed that. Now its only upto Kotoko to sign it. And she's a dimwit......she will never know that you didn't do this on do you think??". "How did you get my sign on that?" Naoki says with a very angry tone. "you don't have to know." Joyce says with a silly smirk which only irritates Naoki more. Naoki is shocked, but he knows better than to lose control over himself at this point . He just calmly says that he needs some time to think. He walks off the café.

At Hiro's house:

Hiro comes to Kotomi's room with a tray full of her favorite food and baby formula for Kotomi. He puts the tray on the table and quietly wakes Kotoko up. She flinches at his touch " why are you here. Leave me alone . I will not leave Irie kun . Never ." She says in low tone as to not wake up Kotomi who is still sleeping. "What does that cold hearted jerk has that I don't? tell me Kotoko?? What does he have?? I can give you both a much more comfortable life . he4 doesn't deserve you. He insulted you . he doesn't believe you. He doesn't want you ,that's why he signed the divorce paper. You should sign it too." He said in hushed tone. "Even if Irie kun leaves heart only belongs to one else can take his please let me go.... Let me go back to my Irie kun...please.." Kotoko said in a half pleading half crying way. "I won't leave you....not now not please ...just forget about him..." he says almost in scolding tone. He tries to hug her but she flinches and says "don't touch me ....don't touch me.....just leave me alone please...please" she pleaded. Hiro couldn't see her sad. It broke his heart to see her hurt , but he wanted her to be happy that's why he wanted her to be with him. He knew he could keep her more happy than that cold hearted jerk Irie Naoki. Despite wanting to stay by her side and comfort her.....Hiro knew that he should leave...give her some he leaves reluctantly.

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