My Little Baby

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Before starting...thank you all for 270+ reads. I never imagined my story would get these many reads. Do leave your comments. I love them. Back to story.

The next day

Naoki is up and gets ready. Kotoko is still sleeping peacefully. He goes near her and very lightly brushes her face and tucks a strand of hair which fell on her face behind her ear. He says whispering into her ears "Kotoko, you should get up. Do you not want to go to work today? Get up...its already late." Kotoko opens her eyes slightly and jolts awake. She looks at the watch and starts panicking to which Naoki says "it's fine if you don't want to come. I will inform the head nurse, you can rest if you want." To this Kotoko gets up from the bed and says "no Irie Kun, I want to go to work, it's been so many days. Also I want to get back to my normal life as soon as possible." Naoki gives her a pretty smile and ruffles her hair telling that he is downstairs waiting for her. " hai!! I will be down fast" replies Kotoko.

20 mins later

Naoki is playing with Kotomi after checking her. He is making cute voices for her and she is cooing. Oka San is surprised at seeing this side of Naoki. She thinks this is extra cute and gets her camera to click a picture. As usual Naoki gets annoyed seeing his mom's passion for snapping photos for every small thing, as this was something very ordinary. He adored his daughter and everybody knew that. He was head over heels from the first time he laid his eyes on her, and she was the most precious thing for her. He could bring down the world for her. He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Kotoko coming down running. Kotoko came to get Kotomi and played with her for a while. All of them ate their breakfast which Oka San prepared. Naoki and Kotoko left for work after that. Now, only Oka San and Kotomi were left at home, as everybody else left for their respective works. Oka San started playing with her grandbaby.

At the hospital

Naoki and Kotoko reached the hospital and as soon as they entered, Kotoko is engulfed in hugs from her fellow colleagues. "I will leave her in your care." Naoki said as he moved towards his cabin. Others kept asking Kotoko how she and Kotomi was. The head nurse handed over their works and they all dismissed. Naoki didn't have anything major today. He was taking rounds and Kotoko was working in the pediatric department and literally playing with kids there. Naoki saw her from far and smiled. He liked Kotoko being happy. That was who she was a happy and caring soul.

Lunch time

It was lunch time and both Kotoko and Naoki were in the hospital cafeteria, when suddenly Naoki received a call. "Hello...yes? What? Yes..we will be there soon." He grabbed Kotoko's hand and started running. Kotoko was startled but kept running anyway. They went into their car and before Kotoko could ask anything, Naoki said "Oka San was hit on her head by someone. She was unconscious but is awake now." Kotoko was shocked and almost cried. "Is she okay now? Who hit her?" Kotoko said as tears were falling down her face. They couldn't think anything else. At the same time Naoki's phone rang again. he picked it up by using Bluetooth. "Hello. Yes its Irie Naoki..... What? But how?..... I think she went to my house. My mother was attacked by a stranger. She fainted......yes . please. Thank you". He cut off the phone. "Who was it?" Kotoko asked. "It was from police station. They said that Joyce eloped when they were transferring her. I think she was the one to hit Oka San." "Why is she back?" Kotoko started crying. Naoki says "don't be afraid. I am here to protect you. Nothing bad will come near to you or Kotomi."

At home

They reached home and parked the car in the driveway. They both ran to inside the house. Oka San was there sitting on the sofa with their neighbor comforting her. Seeing them Oka San ran to them and started crying harder "I am sorry....I am baby...I ....I....sorry...I am really sorry...". To this Naoki said "What happened to Kotomi?" and ran to her room, but she was nowhere to be found. He searched the whole house. When he came back Kotoko asked "Where is Kotomi? She is okay right?". " She is not here. She is gone Kotoko. My little baby is gone." And sat on the floor, tears dripping from his face. Kotoko didn't knew what to do. She was dumbfounded as she was still processing what happened. She saw her husband cry for the first time. She too sat beside her husband, tears falling down her face and he embraced her. "She will be fine. I promise. Nothing will happen to my baby girl. I will get her back safe and sound." He got up and was leaving the house when he got a call. "Joyce?....."

So...I updated. I didn't have much work and felt like writing. Hope you like it. I tried to be more descriptive. Sorry for any grammatical and spelling errors. After last chapter I decided I should do that. Do tell me how was the chapter and all your suggestions are welcome. Please do comment. Thank you so much for reading my story. I will update again soon.

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