This Is How It Should Be

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Finally Naoki and Kotoko reached home. Oka san welcomes them with teary eyes and gives a bone crushing hug to Kotoko. And takes Kotomi from Naoki and says " You both should go rest....I will take care of my grandbaby today....haven't seen her for such a long time....." and she lifts her to her face and hugs her if she would break.....and slowly goes to her room.

Naoki and Kotoko come upstairs to their room , Kotoko sits on the bed and starts weeping . Naoki comes to her and hugs her tightly. " Everything's fine Kotoko , you are fine , Kotomi is fine. You both are home now, now nothing can happen . No one can separate us again. Not now not ever..." Naoki says and he too sheds a few tears hugging her tighter.

Both of them come after getting fresh and Kotoko goes to Oka san's room and takes a peek .Oka san is on the rocking chair with a sleeping Kotomi in her arms, but suddenly her face scrunches as if she is in pain.Kotoko silently runs to her and tries to pat her face,but as soon as touches her , she realises that Kotomi has very high fever. She takes her carefully and literally runs to Naoki with tears in her eyes ,tells Naoki that Kotomi is literally burning with fever. Naoki quickly takes her and lies her on the bed , examining , then tells Kotoko to dress Kotomi warmly and come out of the house while he informs Oka san and gets the car ready.

20 mins later

They reach the hospital, and quickly take Kotomi to the emergency section . She is quickly taken inside and examined after a few tests she was diagnosed with a viral fever and after a few shots she is sent home. After they reach home , Oka san says " How is my precious little baby. I was so scared. Is she okay?? It's not anything serious right?? She will be fine right?." to which Naoki says " She is alright Oka san. It's a viral fever. She will be fine by tomorrow morning. Just a little more rest for her.'' Oka san says she wants to take care of Kotomi tonight, because both Naoki and Kotoko have suffered a lot and need rest and some time alone, to which Kotoko says " No no!! Oka san its totally fine . I will take care of her." Naoki taps her shoulder and says " It's alright. You need rest, it's been really hard on you. Oka san can take care of her and she will also get some time with her since she was away for such a long time." to which Kotoko abides by nodding her head and then Oka san takes her to her room.

Naoki and Kotoko come to their room and change , it's already around 3 in the morning. Naoki says "I have already called the hospital and took the day off tomorrow. Have a good rest." To which Kotoko hugs Naoki and starts crying " I missed you so much...irie kun. I thought I will never see you again. I was really scared for Kotomi. I...I... " to which Naoki hugs her tighter " shh..shhh,....It's okay. Everything's fine now. You are fine and Kotomi will also be fine. Don't cry . Let's just sleep". He takes her to bed. They sleep cuddling each other,

Next morning

Oka san is preparing breakfast for everybody and Naoki is checking Kotomi. Kotoko comes down and seeing everybody so happy and carefree makes her teary eyed. Oka san sees her and calls her to eat breakfast. She goes to Naoki and takes Kotomi in her hands and kisses her forehead . Naoki says " Kotoko , won't you make some coffee for me." To which Kotoko happily nods and gives back Kotomi to Naoki and starts making coffee. While doing that, she thinks " This is the way my life should be, my family should be just happy....always."

In the cell

At the police station Joyce is talking to her lawyer, " Everything is ready right?" Joyce asks." Yes it is. They will transfer you to the other jail soon. Don't you worry", her lawyer replies. With a big smirk she thinks " Just a little more time Kotoko. I am coming for you . and this time you can't escape from me. You will be gone...once and for all".

Sorry , sorry .I know this is really short compared to the time I took for writing. But I will try to make longer and faster updates. Do leave your comments. I am always looking forward to it. Thank you for being so patient and returning to read my story. I hope you liked it and keep reading please. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. See you lovelies soon.

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