Babysitting ft Niall and Harry

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Jesy- headspace 2 1/2 yr old

Leigh- mummy

Jade- mumma

Perrie- baba

Leigh's pov

Apparently me, Jade, and Pez are going to a very important meeting and I'm not bringing Jesy with me. I don't know how I'm going to tell her this with making her cry.

After I got her dressed I carried her downstairs so the girls can cheer her up. I sit her in her highchair and give her a bottle. She starts drinking it. After she finishes it I start talking.

Me: so the girls and I have to go to a important meeting so ur gonna be here with Niall and Harry

Jesy: no I wan be with you she says with teary eyes

Jade: sorry baby not today

She slightly starts crying when she hears that come from Jade

Me: aww baby don't cry it will be okay I say picking her up

The doorbell rings and Niall and Harry come in. With that Jesy's cries get even louder

Me: Jess baby stop crying I'll be okay

Niall: hey hey Jess why are you crying

Perrie: she doesn't want us to leave

Niall: it will be okay we'll have fun okay

After he said that Jesy reached for Niall. She picks her and and put her on his hip.

Harry: no worries we'll have fun and be safe

Me: okay bye guys

Harry's pov

When the girls leave we decided what do to. We came up with baking cookies for the girls, watching movies, and building a castle with blocks.

Me: so Jesy how about we bake cookies first

Jesy: otay

I carry her to the kitchen and sit her on the counter. I get the ingredients out and stuff. Before I start Jesy stops me.

Jesy: I helf

Me: okay but I don't want to get your clothes dirty

I take off her shorts and shirt and just leave her in her diaper. I start putting in the mix the bowl.

Me: Jesy take this spoon and mix the stuff but don't do it to hard where it gets all over the place

Jesy: otay

While she stirs the bowl I get the shape cutters and a tray. I hear and noise behind me. I try around to see mix and little bit on the counter but mostly on Jesy.

Jesy: opps sowry Hazzy

Me: it's okay it's just a little mess

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