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Yay! I got tagged by @midnightnugget

1. Favorite Anime?

I think my favorite anime is Kiznavier which is amazing, I hope you check it out!

2. What grade (standard) are you in?

I guess 13th grade?

3. Where do you live?

Currently Dublin, Ireland but I am thinking of moving for my edumacation (I understand I spelled it wrong -_-)

4. Describe yourself in 5 words

Cancerous weeaboo on the Internet

5. Usual time you go to bed

2 am, don't judge me!

6. Why did you choose your username?

Why didn't you choose my username?

7. Right or Left hand

Lefty loosey!

8. How many siblings do you have?

One a brother who is older than me by a year.

9 One Random Fact

I want to be a Forensic Scientist!  

Anyway, the people I tag are all of you beautiful unicorns!

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