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60-Mystic Falls

Mia's P.o.v

Damon began to drive to Mystic Falls we didn't speak the entire drive to Mystic Falls we stopped at the Grill we walked in Damon grabbed my hand so we walked in holding hands Matt walked over to us

'Hey Mia Elena has told me a lot about you and said you had a nice singing voice were having a singing competition here to night and Elena really want you to go' He said

'Shell be there' Damon answered for me Matt walked away and Damon and I got a drink then left after an hour

They went back to the Grill later for that Singing thing

all the Mikaelsons that were alive well not completely dead were siting at a table with Aurora Klaus was Kissing her neck Aurora looked at me when I walked past the way she smiled at me was half annoying and honestly what the two of them were doing just proved Kalsu doesn't love me I frowned and walked over to Caroline And the rest of the group

'Mia you came' Caroline said

'He made me' I said smiling at Damon

'We will go get a tabel' Elena said Walking to a table with Caroline And Stefan

'You okay with Klaus and Aurora now?' He asked me

'Klaus is a bitch and Aurora is more annoying than Katherine I'm so over it You okay with Elena and Stefan?' I answered

'Elena made her choice and Stefan is still my little brother I have to be happy for him' Damon said

'Damon your letting me see the good side of You I like it' I said smiling at Damon

'And that's the last you'll see of it' He said

'Aw Come one D You love letting me know the real Damon Salvatore admit it' I said smiling at him sweetly

'No I don't' He lied

'Yes you do' I said kissing his cheek then walked over to Stefan,Care and Elena

'Next' Matt called it was Elena then Care and then Me

After Caroline And Elena went it was my turn

I walked up to the Stage and told them to play Attention by Charlie Puth

'You just want Attention You don't my heart' Was so true Every human I had dated always used me then I killed them it was fun I didn't care for any of them

I started to sing and looked at Klaus for 1:05 seconds then turned away from him and looked at Elena,Stefan,Caroline And Damon and smiled when Damon's mouth droped at how good I think I sounded I think I was really good

After the song was over everyone clapped I walked over to the gang

'HOW DO YOU SING SOO GOOD AND AMAZINGLY!' Caroline and Elena shouted

'self taught' I said smiling at them

'You were really good' Stefan said

'Was I Damon?' I asked him smiling at the Oldest Salvatore

'You were really good' he said smiling at me

'Aww thanks D' I said

'Wait did somthing happen between them two?' Caroline asked Stefan

'I don't know' He said

'Mia Niklaus Wants to talk to you in private' Elijah said

'm kay no thanks' I said smiling at him

'Nik Really loves you' Rebekah said smiling at me

'okay why would that change my mind I'm not going to even talk to him I have better things to do' I replied then Aurora and Klaus walked over Kissing they were trying to get to me

'Like what love?' Klaus asked

'None of your concern Basterd' I snapped 'Can we leave now before I kill Aurora I don't want to die because of that bitch?' I asked Damon

'Watch your mouth Klaus lover' Aurora said

'La la la la' I said going to walk out of the Grill but Klaus grabbed my arm and made me kiss him I finally broke free and kicked his leg making him fall to the ground Aurora rushed at me I grabbed her and broke her legs temporarily she was a Vampire  she'd heal

'Don't try that again 'Love' Same to you Aurora' I said and walked out

and went to The Salvatore recadence and got a glass of burbon Damon walked in and seen me

'Aurora seams like a bitch and if Klaus ever forces you to kiss him again I will kill him' He said sitting beside me

'Someone's jealous' Klaus said walking over to me and grabbed me


'YOU WON'T DARE!' He shouted

'There's a human in new Orleans called Camile O'connor Klaus cares a lot about her you kill her you kill him and I have a white oak stake a stake that can kill an Original' I said Klaus let go of me

'You have the white oak stake' He said

'Yes I do what of it' I answered

'Give it to me' He ordered

'I AM SO TIRED OF ORIGINALS EITHER TELLING ME WHAT TO DO OR HURTING ME AND NO I WON'T GIVE YOU IT!' I shouted and walked upstairs my Phone started buzzing sitting on my bed I looked at it

'Hey Mia Matt asked me to ask you do you want a job at the Grill?' Elena texted

'Yeah sure' I replied

'Okay You'll be singing, Giving drinks and asking people want they want' she added

'Okay' I answered

'Your shift starts in a hour then ends at 12' Elena replied

'Okay thanks Elena' I sent then started to get ready  I went for a shower and walked out of the bathroom with a towel and seen Damon and Klaus

'Damon can you get out please? Klaus get the hell out of my room' I said smiling at Damon

'Aww Someone's Jealous of Me and Aurora' Klaus said

'Why would I be when I have both Elijah and Damon?' I said then Klaus left and Damon walked out

I got changed then walked down stairs

After an Hour
Damon and I walked out to Damon's car then drove to the Grill we walked into the Grill Arm in arm 

'Hey it's live music tonight and Matt told me your a really good Singer so you'll be singing tonight until 12' A human girl said to me I nodded


My Chacter (Mia) and her Past, Present and future are of my own imagination please don't steal Copyright 2017

A Old Love ×Book 1×Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin