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15-more flashbacks

3rd Person 

Flashback New Orleans 1943
3rd Person

Mia continued to dance then walked back up to us swinging her hips as she moved many men stopped to stare at her she felt the stares and smiled at Elijah Wickedly Elijah made his way down to her some old man grabbed her Elijah was over in an instant and had the heart of the man that tried to kidnap the girl he was in love with her looked at her tears in her eyes Elijah dropped the heart and took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood of his hand once he was done he opened his arms for Mia to take them she did and hugged him and let the ears fall from her face

'Elijah if I told you I loved you would you hate me?' she asked

How could he hate her if she loved him yes it would surprise him but she did but he was incapable of hating her

'I could never Hate you'He answered and left her head and pulled the Dagger out of her heart


Short Chapter I know please forgive me I'm already going to hell so forgive me Vote, Comment fan I'd love to hear what you guys and girls think about my work

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