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9- Your heart can hurt you
Mia's P.o.v

Klaus has been gone a month  now I'm slowly getting to grips with Him leaving and not saying goodbye when I didn't get my neck snapped and slowly falling unconscious Tylor Has helped me a lot I appreciate that he's there for me I started going to high school again only because I'm bored I've been around Tylor a lot most people think we are a couple but we're not, not yet anyway

Klaus has been gone a month  now I'm slowly getting to grips with Him leaving and not saying goodbye when I didn't get my neck snapped and slowly falling unconscious Tylor Has helped me a lot I appreciate that he's there for me I started going to ...

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I dragged myself out of my bed and forced a smile and get dressed (Outfit^) and walk out of my room

'Hey Mia what's up? You seem sad-ish ' Damon asked

'It's Nothing I'm over it' I said smiling at Damon

'Mia' He said 'Tell me' He ordered

'Fine Klaus left and didn't say goodbye are you happy now!' I said and stormed off to School

I walked into the School and walked over to my locker someone walked up beside me but My phone started buzzing before they got the chance to talk I answered the phone I didn't want to talk to anyone

'What' I asked harshly into the phone

'Hello love I was wondering how you are?' Klaus asked

'K-Klaus' I asked tears falling down my face No no Mia he left and didn't say goodbye hang up my head told me constantly 

'Hello Mia love' He said

'No you left and didn't say goodbye so you can stay away that means don't call me or text me Klaus, You left me and it hurt so go ahead and stay away I'm moving on If I don't it's gonna destroy me' I said and hung up and  my eyes and grabbed my books that I needed and walked to my first period

I set in my seat and looked out the window

'Ah Mia What did Elena just say?' The teacher asked

'I don't know I wasn't paying attention' I said not caring at all I knew more than the teacher

'Everyone open your books at page 50'

After School  And Cheerleading Practice

I was in the woods I needed some space my phone started buzzing In my pocket I took it out and answered it

'Hello Mia's Phone' I said

'Hello Mia it's Nik he wants to see you' Rebekah said

'Tell him If he wanted TO SEE ME HE SHOULDN'T OF LEFT ME HERE!' I shouted and hung up and threw the phone against a tree and walked to my car I packed my suitcase earlier let's just say I'm leaving this god-damned town

I got my other phone from my bag and Went threw my contacts and hit Elijah and rang him he picked up after a few seconds I smile

'Mia what's wrong?' He asked me

'Where are you?' I asked

'In Chicago with Klaus standing beside me' Elijah said

'When are you coming back?' I asked he went silent for a moment then Answered

'Mia I don't know when' Elijah said sadness covering his voice my smile dropped

'But you said you wouldn't leave  forever you don't even know when you coming back' I said

'Why don't you come and join us Mia?' Klaus asked as I start my car and start driving out of Mystic Falls I was planning on leaving anyway

'Oh I Take Aurora left and that's why you want me there Klaus I Can only take second only a few...Hundred times but I might take you up on that nothing for me here anyway' I said smiling to myself

'What about Damon Salvatore?' He asked

'Oh yeah we were never a thing he just said that because of..never mind and I don't feel anything for him' I said then the line went dead I was now a half an hour from Chicago

'What about for me?' a voice from beside me asked it sounded like Klaus I looked to the side and seen Klaus I wanted to throw my arms around him and tell him to never leave me again but I refused to show any emotion around him

'I don't feel anything  for you'I lied turning away from him back to the road

'I love you Mia and I'll see you back in Mystic Falls' he said making me look at him love was the only thing I saw in his blue eyes

'What? did you say?' I asked

'I love you' He repeated and disappeared h-he loves me that is a lot of bullshit

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