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17 - Mixed Emotions

I hate Love

I hate what it has done to me

I hate what he Does to me

Even after 500 years he still has control over me It's been a few Months Rebekah,Kol and Elijah are back Their away getting Klaus I don't know how it happened but Klaus is in a coffin unconscious he's been like that for a while I think ever since I was told I stayed in my room but Kol made me come out so I'm in the living room sitting on the couch with Kol Elijah and Rebekah walked in I jumped up as did Kol

"Where is he?"I asked excited Rebekah looked sad as Did Elijah I looked at Rebekah "Where's Klaus?" I asked my heart breaking at the thought of losing him again

"He's he's Dead" Rebekah said "Nik's dead" She said Kol looked at me I turned around and walked out of the house

"Bonnie!" I shouted walking into the Lockwod cellar I seen Tylor and Bonnie

"Mia What do you need?"She asked

"I need you to bring Klaus Back Bonnie please" I said Tylor looked confused Why the hell did she care about Klaus? I thought that's what he thought probably was

"I can't the spirits are mad at me for trying to save Elena" Bonnie Said

"Bonnie You bring him back or I swear I will kill Elena" I said

"I can't okay" She said

"Damn it Bonnie what if it was Jeremy you'd bring him back I'm asking you to do this as my friend I can't live without him I won't be able to cope and if I can't Cope people die " I said letting tears fall from my face "Bring him back " I said "Or else"

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