part 10

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"what??? what did you just say? master! do you know that person is the one that tried to kill us?" "I do but the pay was high and risky so I thought Natsu might like challenges thats why I thought you both would want to accept it as he is giving off 999,999,999,999 jewels for that particular easy mission that is to tear away this book called nightmare........"

"ugh! did you say a book called nightmare......???" "Whats wrong lucy? Are you alright? why are you shivering?" " eh? its nothing......sorry Natsu ....let's head out....."

"Natsu observe Lucy seems like she knows something about that book"

"Master!you can't mean she... she... might have seen that book before.....?!"

"Keep your volume down baka! it's just a guess........"

"Okay I understand I'll obeserve her......don't worry!"

"Okay...I'm relieved...."

"Alright then see you master! we'll be on our way!"

"Bye bye Lucy and Natsu !"

"Bye Mira !"

Mira: "will they be alright master?" master: ' I'm sure they will be ......."

" wow! this is the famous town that has lots of legendnary ancient books which contains lots of secrets....... errm natsu about the book called nightmare......I shall confess..... that book is in my hands...... my father gave it to me after my brother died..... he said it would lead me to something but all those time ... I didnt need it until now....."

"Lucy? you had a brother? I didnt know ....." "It was actually meant to be a secret in our family but you seemed to suspect me so I told the truth...."

 oh well to be continued part 11 will be out soon

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