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I sat up straighter than usual in my seat today because well, Joshua walked in and sat next to me. "Oh hey I didn't know you'd be here.." he chuckled nervously.
"Me neither!" I smiled at my hands avoiding his face. He pulled out an English book that looked like it had been ran over by a bus 6 times, I was surprised it even looked like a book!
"Aren't you normally eating with your friends? In the lunch room?" he turned to face me and blushed "I decided that I would uhm visit you instead..."
"Oh really? Thanks"
"I don't even go to school here and yet I sit at lunch and wait for my friends?" he blurted out, I was taken aback from his words. He doesn't go to school here? What? How? I thought maybe he was a senior because he was always around but I guess not. "Oh what school do you go to?"
"I go to the university by the library" he smiled.
"I thought you were a senior.." I blushed and looked at the pencil he had begun to tap on my desk.
"Do I really look that young? That is quite a compliment!" he laughed, trying to look into my eyes.
"Well I-I-I just thought s-since you were ar-around so much that you went h-here." I glanced at his eyes multiple times, I looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking.
"Are you ok?" he said softly
"Are you sure?"
"Yes i'm sure."
"Do you want to go outside?"
I looked up at his eyes and they sucked me in, I struggled to look away but I couldn't I was hypnotized. "Yes please I would love to!" I blushed and he gently held my hand.

[A/n's note: And when I say gently, I mean he's like barely holding/touching her hand]
We walked outside together and sat at one of the benches in the courtyard. It was surprisingly empty. "I brought the food outside!" he cutely waved the lunchbox in the air, and giggled.
I followed suit, giggling and sitting next to him.
"Ahhh~ I'm so hungry!" he said his eye smile as beautiful as heaven.
"Me too..." I smiled softly
"So....what movie should we see?"
I almost choked on the sausage I was chewing on.
"Uhm....I don't know. Do you know of any good movies coming out?" I cleared my throat swallowing the food I had almost choked on.
"Hmmmm....What if we saw that new movie about the girl who works at a café and finds true love.."he sighed happily at the thought of it, 'He's a hopeless romantic I knew it.' I smiled thinking to myself.
"Why not, that sounds awesome!"
"Really? You think so?" he grinned
"Yes!" I laughed.
'This is turning out to be.....the best week ever...' I sigh happily and smiled over at him.

Author-nim here~~~
I am so happy! This story is just so fluffy and soft and cute!!!! Gahhhh!!! Joshua is so handsome and gentlemanly! Btw who is your bias in SVT? And what do you think of the story so far? Please don't forget to vote if you're enjoying the story! Love yah Bai~~~

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