The day before💐 pt.2

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"I am going to take you to the best pizza place I know of!" He smiled as he focused on the road.
'Gosh he's so cute! Wait no! What am I thinking!!!!' I sighed and looked out the window, playing with the hem of my pink sweatshirt.
"We made itt!" He smiled and pulled up to a small hole-in-the-wall pizza place.
"Yay!" I giggled and he opened the door for me like the gentleman he is.
We sat at a small booth at the back corner of the restaurant.
"How is the book so far?" I asked sliding into my seat on the left side of the booth.
"It's going really well! I have to hurry and finish reading it cuz someone requested it!" He chuckled and set his hands in his lap.
"That would be me." I blushed and looked down.
"Oh! I better not spoil anything then!" He winked and smiled.
"Here comes our pizza!" I jumped excitedly in my seat and he laughed quietly.
"So I guess we are having 2 dates then!" I giggled since our original date is tomorrow.
"I guess you're right!" He smiled watching me eat my pizza.
I eat very gracefully. Surprisingly.
"You eat like a princess!" He chuckled as he started on his pizza. "I prefer not to make a mess of myself or anything else!" I smiled and then finished off my pizza. I wiped my face just in case I got anything on it. Joshua however...had a spot of marinara sauce on his cheek. Thinking nothing of it I leaned over the table and gently wiped it off. I could see that he was blushing once I sat down. "You could've just said something." He smiled and blushed.
"I'll keep that in mind!"
I laughed. But my laugh was cut off by my phone ringing.
"I am so sorry!" I apologized and answered the call without looking at who it was.
"Where are you?" It was my mom.
"I'm out eating pizza."
"With who?" She sounded a bit mad. I probably should have asked her before leaving.
"With a friend." I cleared my throat nervously.
"Did that friend come over to the house?"
"Yes ma'am." I looked at Joshua's confused face.
"I want to meet this friend."
"Goodbye, y/n."
"I love you mom by-" She hung up.
We walked up to my front door. I was a bit nervous since Joshua was a guy and he was in college.
I unlocked the door and Joshua went to sit on the couch.
"Hello? Mom?" I closed the door and joined Joshua on the couch. A big distance between us.
"Ye-" She walked in and her eyes went wide.
"Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is Joshua! I've heard wonderful things about you!" Joshua stood up and shook her hand with a smile, like the gentleman he is. I smiled at my mom. Her expression softening at his extremely respectful attitude and good looks.
"Nice to meet you too Joshua!" His name rolled off her tongue like honey. She was infatuated with him. 'She probably wants us to get married now.' I snickered at the thought.
Helloooo i hope u like this crappy short chapter that i barely managed to pull out of my ass❤

SSoooo handsome ;) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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