bryce and juli - flipped

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She puts her hand on mine, and we stare into each others eyes for a moment.
Its like the world is still, and nothing moves.
Suddenly I'm transported back to the day I moved here, holding her hand and staring into her eyes.
Only this time I'm not scared.

Her fingers twitch, and her smile widens a bit.
I shift my hand and intertwine my fingers in hers. She looks down at our tangled hands, and she looks...

I pick up the shovel with my other hand, and Juli shifts closer to me.
'You are greater than the sum of your parts,' she mumbles. I don't know what she means by it, but I nod anyway.
She says it again, but louder.
'What?' I ask.
She stands up, and takes hold of my hands, pulling me up.
We stand there for a moment, lost in her excitement and my confusion.
'Bryce Loski, you're greater than the sum of your parts. I was right all along,' she says.
I still don't understand, but then she leans forward, and...
hugs me?

I wanted her to be my first kiss, and everything was set up for that moment to be the most memorable kiss ever. But she hugged me.
Does that mean she just thinks of me as a friend?
Just another student?
Just another one of the people that come and go?
I want to be more than that to her, but I worry that I won't ever be.

I dont know what made it click in my head that I liked her.
But whatever it is, its not helping right now.
I pull away, and she stares at me, knowing whats going through my crazy mind.
'Bryce, you had your chance to kiss me. I didn't want to. Don't make me want to.'
I smile a bit. 'What happens if I make you want to?'
She takes a deep breath. 'This happens.'
And she leans forward and our mouths collide.

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