Going to Mystic Falls

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Nik's POV:

I'm so happy that I'm gonna be able to bring Bells back home with us to Mystic Falls, I just hope that none of my enemies go after her once we reveal her as my daughter at a ball we will hold at our house, I also hope that neither of the Salvatore Brothers turn out to be her mate I just pray and hope.

Eli's POV:

We are about to take Bella back with us to Mystic Falls I hope none of the Scooby- Doo gang go after Bells because if they do they will have all of us to face.

M's POV:

I really missed having Bells around. But if any of the guys at Mystic Falls do anything to hurt her I'm pretty sure all of us will personally track them down and torture them.

Bex's POV:

After being told what the Cullen's did to her especially Edward I hope that if Belly falls for any of the guys at Mystic Falls, he better be good to her or else he will have to face all of us.

T-B's POV:

I know that Bell is able to take care of herself but since she is going to be going to school along with Bekah, Mar, and Me I will personally beat the shit out of any of the guys that even look at her longer that normal. I'm pretty sure Bekah can handle the girls if any of them are to call Bell anything that she isn't.

Bella's POV:

I asked my dad if he had already enrolled me to Mystic Falls High School he said he hasn't yet, that we will do it when we get their. I also asked that when we got to Mystic Falls if me and Bex could go shopping since I didn't have summer clothes. He said of course but that all of the guys would come with us also. I was just happy that me and Bex would have someone to carry our bags because whenever me and Bex go shopping together we go all out.

Nick's POV:

I cant believe I am going to let my princess use my credit card when she goes shopping. I know I have slot of money but for sure she is going to make a dent on my bank account. Bella doesn't take shopping lightly she doesn't care if their is only one shirt and somebody else got it she will literally fight that person of until she gets wins and gets to buy it. But then again it's not how much money she spends but how happy she is at the end of the day. I only told her that me and the guys would go with them because if anyone starts any trouble we will be right by their side to protect them like we should always do to our girls.

Bex's POV:

I know that the guys are only are going to come with me and Belly is to protect us if anyone start to start trouble and that is what I really love about the guys they can get really overprotective at times but overall that is what I love about them.

T-B's POV:

I cant wait to see what all of the Mystic Falls town are going to react about their being another Mikaelson in town!!

M's POV:

I am so exited to finally be able to have Bells around so she can calm down Nick and make him let lose a bit.

Eli's POV:

I love having Bella around because she makes everything better when something is wrong she make everything happier. She just had that aura around her that makes you feel safe and makes you want protect her from anything and everything bad in the world.

Bella's POV:

I love being around my family. I know people think they are bad people but they really aren't they just keep their guard up around people that they now will betray them. They have all gone through really hard moments in life and I would even be shocked if they opened up to anyone so fast. But if they ever do find their soulmate I hope that they accept them for who they are and what the do. If they don't then they really don't deserve any of my family members being their soulmate. Which would really suck because they wouldn't be able to feel as loved, protected, and safe as I always do when I'm around my family, and if no one else is able to experience that then they will never be able to truly understand the true meaning of being loved so much that that the person who loves you would be willing to die just to keep you safe, even if it meant not being able to see you anymore they would at least now that they protected you with all they had.
Word Count:829


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