Meeting Them

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Eli's POV:

     Today is Bella's first day of school and since she is only human(until she activates her werewolf gene) Klaus, Marcel, and I are gonna take Rebekah, Kol, and Bella to school. Just in case Stefan and Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, or Caroline Forbes try to do anything her.

Nicky's POV:

So right now all of us are in one car and it is very cramped but we all just wanted to come because even though we know Kol and Rebekah can protect Bella they will not be able to protect themselves like that.

M's POV:

Neither the Salvatore's, the Gilbert girl, or the Forbes girl better try to hurt Bella because if they do they will be sorry. I don't think Bonnie, Jermey, Matt, or Tyler will hurt Bella for sure Matt won't since he is human and actually cares. I don't think Bonnie will hurt Bella once she touches her because she will be able to get an aura around her and it's 98% pure because Bells is evil sometimes but not all the time. Jermey won't do anything to Bella because he isn't that used to fighting humans he is only used to fighting the supernatural. And Tyler won't even get close to her since I'm pretty sure he will actually never think about crossing us.

T- Bear's POV:

I'm so ready to take any guy down that even tries to get to close to her. I mean yes I am like her brother well that's what she thinks of anyway, instead of her uncle, but I am very protective over Bella. My whole family even says that I'm way more protective than Nik when it comes to her.

Bex's POV:

If any girl tries to be bitch to Belly I will make their life a living hell. OMG we are so close to the school. I'm pretty sure every student and staff will be looking at us since Kol and I are the only ones that come to school. Plus we have a new member that no one has ever seen before. I'm still just happy that Bell is with us again.

Bella's POV:

We finally arrived at the school. I am so nervous!!! I mean yes my whole family is here with me but once they leave I'm only going to be with Bex and Teddy and even though I'm in all of the same classes as Teddy I'm still gonna be so nervous. If only Bex could be with me also it's not fair why does she have to be one year above us!! I'm pretty sure I'm going to do well in classes since I have Teddy in their with me. I just hate that I'm the new student again. OMG we are getting out of the car and every one is staring at us and when I say everyone I mean everyone even the staff.

Bella: This is so embarrassing!!

Nicky: I know Bells but they are only looking at you because you are with us honey.

T- B: Don't worry if a guy gets close to you I'll take them out and I'm pretty sure Bekah will take out the girls that are bitchy to you.

Bella: I know but still. We are so gonna cuddle in class, and I don't care about you're bad boy reputation here.

T- B: Of course we will cuddle in all of the classes obviously

Bella: You better...

(cough) (cough)

I guess while me and Teddy were talking a group came walking towards us because someone interrupted me by coughing very loud. When I turned around I saw 3 girls and 5 guys standing their.

Nik: What do you guys want?

Elena: We want to know what all of you guys are doing here and why their is this ugly ass pale girl with you guys!!

Bella: Hi I have a name it's Bella.

Caroline: We don't care what you're name is we just want to know why you are with the Mikaelson's.

Bella: I think it's best if Nicky, Eli, Teddy, or M tell you.

Damon: Who's Teddy? 😂😂

T- B: That would be me you blue eyed asshole!!

Bex: Can you guys at lest introduce yourselves since Bells already introduced her herself have some manners!!

Damon: I'm Damon Salvatore the better brother.

Stefan: I'm Stefan Salvatore younger brother to Damon.

Elena: Elena Gilbert. Stefan's girlfriend.

Bonnie: Hi Bella im Bonnie Bennet. Nice to meet you.

(shakes hand)

Bella: It nice to meet you to Bonnie.

Jeremy: Hi Bella I'm Jermey Gilbert. Elena's younger brother.

(shakes hand)

Bella: Hi Jermey.

Matt: Hi Bella I'm Matt Donavan.

(shakes hand)

Bella: Nice to meet you Matt.

Tyler: Hi Bella I'm Tyler Lockwood.

(shakes hand)

Bella: Hi Tyler.

Caroline: I'm Caroline Forbes.

Word Count: 801


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