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'Cause she was like, "woaaaah.", and I was like, "woaaaah.", and we were like, "woaahh..." 

- Prongs

For someone wearing glasses to help him see every detail of his surroundings, James Potter was exceptionally blind. His hazel eyes were focussed on the redhead across the room, her cheeks still flushed from the fight they just had. Her lips moved furiously as she was talking to her friends, probably about that very same heated argument. Oh how he wished her lips were somewhere else. On his perhaps, although he knew many places her lips would fit perfectly.

James cursed himself for having thoughts like these, but it was all her fault. The way she played him like some stupid muggle doll was more cruel than anything in this world. At least, he thought she was playing him. The problem in fact was; he was just looking, not really seeing, since he was oblivious for the longing in her eyes every now and then she tried to give him the angry glare he had learn to know so well the past six years. And that was not the only thing his eyes did not capture this very moment.

'In the name of Merlins' brightly orange striped pajama pants. Are you even listening to me?' James snapped his head back at his two friends in complete embarrassment. It was too often that he got caught staring at Evans by his friends. In the beginning of seventh year he had told them he had grown up over the summer, but his act fell apart as soon as she entered the room, hitting him hard in the face with her never ending delicacy and charm. Sirius had every reason to be mad at him, even though James had no clue if his problems were actually serious or if he was just being, well, Sirius.

'I'm sorry,' he therefor groaned. 'We should have a Marauder code about not looking at our colleagues or something, because otherwise this head boy job will actually get me killed.' His best friend quirked up one eye brow while Peter snorted.

'Even if we had a Marauder code for that, you wouldn't stop looking at Evans. We tried that in fourth year, remember? Besides, I like staring at McKinnons arse during flying practices and technically she is my colleague, so that's a no go from me.' A frustrated whine left his mouth in a very not manly way, which made Peter laugh even harder. Life was unfair for James Potter even though he had everything he could ever want. Well, everything accept for the beautiful fearsome redhead. He supposed one simply could not have everything he wanted. Despite he would trade all his possessions just to have her, she was the one thing he would never have. And so, he supposed he just had to find a way to live without her, no matter how unbearable it was. Fortunately they still had some time here and Hogwarts and as long as he was here, she would be too.

'Okay, what did I miss?' He asked since it might take away his attention from Evans for at least a few minutes.

'Besides the fact you are a total wanker? Just that Moony has been missing the entire day so far and I figured it was time to ask anyone if they had seen my favorite cuddle wolf.' The way Sirius screamed without actually making more noice than someone would do while talking quietly, gave James goosebumps all over his body. Not the nice ones that appeared on his skin when Evans accidentally brushed it. No, ones you would get after one of Moray Jordans horrifying ghost stories that would make anyone shudder in uttermost fear.

'It's cuddle bear, Padfoot,' Peter rectified him, but a vicious glare from Sirius made him shut up immediately, ashamed he didn't get his reference before he wrongly corrected him. James figured he had to do something with Sirius' words before the boy would strangle anyone in an overly dramatic rage. The problem was that he was not sure how to correctly react. Moony hadn't been seen all day. So what. He was the only Marauder that actually liked spending his time in the deadly quiet dusty and particular toxic space called the library. For all the boys knew he could have just been there all day, reading one of his favorite books, whatever they may be. There was no reason at all to be alarmed, but Sirius was nevertheless and James knew he could very well explode if he shared his actual thoughts right now.

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