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"I shall call him Moony and he shall be mine and heshall be my Moony. Come on, Moony. Come on, little Moony."

- Padfoot

It took all the strength in his very well-proportioned body to restrain himself from screaming. What was wrong with the people he thought were his friends? How in Merlins devilishly awesome name could they just sit there without panicking like he did? It were questions that would always remain unanswered. Sirius was not even able to think straight at this very moment, let alone think of answers that had never been easy to find. It was like asking why James still kept trying to win Evans' heart even though the poor girl had told him a million times to fuck off, in much more polite words than Sirius formulated in his head of course. Well, at least if you did not count the times after she had already asked him to leave her alone and the situation begged for far more desperate measures than the redhead liked to use. It was just like that and without him capable of doing anything straight at this point, answers were something far beyond his reach. His limbs were the only parts that were still in the run. Sadly enough they could only provide him the possibility to pace up and down and up and down and up and down and-

'Padfoot, can you just calm down for one second? You are making me nervous, mate and I can't think when I'm nervous. You know that. Hell, the whole castle knows that.' He could throw the wooden chair only a few steps away to James' head. It was a very sane and legitimate option, but he decided not to kill his best friend just yet. He still needed him to help him look for Moony.

'No,' Sirius simply stated therefor. It was unexpected in many ways. For one, his voice had a calm and steady tone. Something that was quite rare for the always theatrical Sirius Orion Black. Next to that he disagreed with the one person he always agreed with in every single matter except for the Evans case. Peter quirked up his head and gazed at him, as if he was ill. James only blinked. And blinked. It was all he seemed to be capable of. Proud of the attention he had surely drawn from them by now, Sirius waited twenty-three seconds precisely before going insane.

'No! Of course I can't calm down you oblivious ashole. It's not my problem you have your head stuck too deep inside Reds arse to notice one of your friends are missing, to acknowledge he might be in trouble at this very moment, while you are sitting in a cosy couch daydreaming about a girl that will never love you if you don't stop being such a dork. No, I will not calm down. I refuse. Someone has to panic for all of us and I am glad to accept that job if no one else is.' He could see the fatigue in his best friends eyes, unlike the shocked expressions of everyone else in the room.

'Sirius, we're not gonna find him if you won't stop panicking,' James tried to reason. Sirius had to admit that now his friend had registered that Moony was in fact gone with one of their most precious artefacts without telling his friends, he had not looked once at Lily Evans. Remus was more important than some stupid fantasies and he knew that. James had woken up and with him, Peter seemed to have opened his tiny mousey eyes and did the exact opposite of what James would do, making Sirius lose the little self-control James just presented him on a silver plate with a red ribbon upon it.

'But for all we know one of those creeps could have him. I mean, Snape knóws and that Mulciber already got to a few people.' His gaze found Mary Macdonald who was sitting with Lily. Sirius hands flew towards his soft dark hair, while his breathing hitched.

'Oh no. No, no, no. What if Snivellus told them? What would they do to him?' Although he wanted to scream, he kept his voice down, while whining softly. Remus was so sweet, so gentle. He did not even want to think about the things someone like Mulciber could do to someone as kind as Remus. It made his insides shrivel as if he just swallowed one of Slughorns potions. They had to find him, fast. No matter what. They had to find Moony before it was too late.

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