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I am a nice professor, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Students are friends, not food.

- Moony

A sad smile crossed Remus' face, tears tasting like the sea dripping from his cheeks into the green grass. Again the memories of that particular day crossed his mind, the day he drowned himself in pain only to be surfaced by the one person he had loved more than anything. The very same man that he thought had betrayed everyone else he cared about including himself. Days had been unbearable; nights filled with more darkness a normal person could cope. It had seemed his suffering would never get to an end. His time at Hogwarts had made things easier, but it never went away.

He felt two arms around his waist and a pair of lips pressed against the bare skin of his neck. Everything would be okay now. From now on, the ache would stay absent forever. They were together and the one boy they were supposed to look out for was okay. The only thing that was hard to accept, was that he had believed all the lies for twelve long years. Lily would have smacked his head with a thick book, if she knew about this. James would have thrown a bucket of ice-cold water in his face, if he found out about this.

'I am so sorry, Padfoot. You might have been blind that day you found out I loved you, but I have been blind for twelve years. Can you forgive me?' The man behind him chuckled softly and suddenly it was as if they were seventeen again. Young, fearsome and unknowing of the shadows that were going to consume them in the future. That day it had taken another hour before Sirius finally understood Remus was in love with him and could not handle the way he refused to give into the fact Sirius Black was very, very gay. All those years he had used girls as a distraction from the fact he was different in the most beautiful way Remus could imagine. Remus may have felt awful that particular day, but it was worth it. Especially when you took into account Lily finally started to realise James had become a very nice lad. Helpful and generous. They needed more time than Sirius and Remus, but eventually everything had turned out the way it supposed to be.

'Moony, of course I forgive you as long as you can forgive us for not telling you and being incredibly stupid. I mean, if I had truly been their Secret-Keeper, they might have still been alive.' Remus turned in his arms. Was Sirius blaming himself for the death of Lily and James? There was no one to blame but Voldemort and their former friend Peter Pettigrew. No one. He was sure Lily and James where looking down at them from the stars above smiling at them and being happy about the fact they had found both each other and Harry.

'Pads, there is nothing to forgive. It was not your fault. You should not blame yourself. Or do you want Lily to haunt you.' Sirius barked in a way Remus had missed more than anything.

'Red would definitely do such a thing and Prongs would probably laugh is fat arse off watching us tremble in fear for his way too awesome wife.' They both laughed now. In some way it was like the old days again. Looking up at the stars and moon it was as if everyone was still there. 'You are coming with me right?' Remus nodded.

'Of course I am coming with you. I am really glad you found me.'

'Ah, my specialty: Finding Moony.' And so Remus both started and ended his time as a Hogwarts professor with memories of that one particular day that in the same time made everything hole and fall into millions of pieces. The day that everything was about Finding Moony, finding him and finding himself. 

-The End-

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