Letting go

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It was definitely Jane's mistake too. Allowing someone to treat you like you don't matter is definitely not done. It took some time for Jane to realise this. She was slowly getting over this hearbreak.
She was slowly understanding how wrong she was when she gave him so many chances...once when he 'accidentally kissed' the other girl of his school, when he treated her poorly in front of his brother...when he made fun of her dressing style..and so many more incidences when she could have questioned him about his behaviour towards her.

From Jane's incident, all three of them learnt a real good life lesson..if it's meant to be, it will be. If not, even if you give your best into something, it will leave you. Love comes naturally....heart knows when it's real. You don't have to try to make it perfect or change something. No need to behave in a certain way to get rewarded by someone's love..no need to act in a certain way to seek attention...if it's true...you will be accepted the way you are. Rather appreciated for your uniqueness.

Jane finally found peace within her when she finally let go of him. It was like she had found water after roaming the whole desert with a parched throat. She got her answers she was searching for....her real self. No depending on some person for happiness..being at peace with herself. She finally let go.

This incident made Becca's, Crystal's and Jane's bond more stronger. They stood besides her through thick and thin. They were the ones who walked with Jane through her tough times. There were times when she would think of Edith and feel low. But being with her friends made her come out of that pain. Friendship does wonders no love can..friends don't judge you on your insecurities...we can be ourselves with them. She felt blessed for having Becca and Crystal in her life. Mike and Edward also left no stones unturned to make her feel better in every way possible for them. Jane realised how blessed she was to have them in her life.

She forgave Edith, though he had not apologised. They never spoke to each other after that..never. Good for both of them she thought. Anyways his presence no longer mattered to her.

After being with Jane during her hard times..Becca became clear of one thing..people don't change for anyone unless and until they really want to. So she became more adamant on staying away from Luke, after all she had seen..and Luke having a player image...she did not want the same fate..the same pain Jane suffered.

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